With Serverless Framework v1.5 and later, a new project based on the project template is initialized with the command
> sls install -u https://github.com/nordcloud/serverless-boilerplate -n myservicename
> cd myservicename
> npm install
Test vulnerabilities with NSP using
> npm run nsp
You can compare your project setup (dependencies, devdependencies, scripts) with the boilerplate using the command
> npm run compare-boilerplate
The script reports only for items that are in the boilerplate and differ from your current project.
// "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls", // "deploy:init": "serverless create_domain", // "postdeploy": "npm run test:integration", // "test": "nyc mocha", // "test:integration": "mocha --opts ./test/integration/mocha.opts",