Off into the space, exploring the Saturn's ring, and on the way back home, got a singal from our neighbourly red planet. Have to choose your path, with low supplements to barely last, to live wondering or die exploring.
- Asset Accumulation
- First Screen
- Making the Button Work
- Navigator.push
- Make the second screen
- Make a dummy route to see the second screen
- Make a route generator that uses enum to generate properly configured routes
- Make the last screens and complete the game with Navigator.pop()
- At first we gathered required images and uploaded it in pubspec.yaml
- Then we assigned certain strings and constans to build up our story line
- We then worked on our main.dart screen creating the framework required followed by making our first screen, buttons, second screen and dummy routes to all the screens
- Finally we created route generator by using enum to generate routes and then removing dummy routes and assigning the final routes to various screens
- At last we created the final pages those being end pages of our app and complete the game by assigning Navigator.pop to the end screens.