This is the final project of 42 School!
The project was realized in collaboration with @arolland, @lraffin, and @vbachelet. It consists in a website with a pong game, a chat, a leaderboard, a profile and a lot of other social features.
Creating this website was a truly challenging endeavor. It marked our first venture into web development, and we had to rapidly acquire a wealth of knowledge. We designed the website using Figma, coded the backend with NestJS, and the frontend with React.
The primary challenge we faced was mastering the fundamentals of web development:
- Understanding what a REST API is and how to handle stateless client/server communication.
- Grasping the key principles of responsive design.
- Comprehending the concept of callbacks and their widespread use in JavaScript.
- Familiarizing ourselves with decorators and hooks, which were initially quite perplexing.
At the outset, the task seemed almost insurmountable, but we persevered, supported one another, and, in the end, achieved our goal! But let the images tell the story: