Computational Physics homework code
Table of Contents:
hw1: 1. Interpolation 2. Finite-difference derivatives 3. Integration using Simpson's rule 4. Root-finding using the secant rule
hw2: 1. Gauss Elimination with implicit partial pivoting 2. LU decomposition with partial pivoting
hw3: 1. Solving an ODE using fourth-order RK method
hw4: 1. SVD 2. Solving an ODE using the shooting method
hw5: 1. Solving an elliptic PDE using the relaxation method
hw6: 1. Solving a hyperbolic PDE using 3 different schemes
hw7: 1. Basic Monte Carlo simulation
hw8: 1. Monte Carlo simulation for the Ising model on a square lattice
hw9: 1. Molecular dynamics simulation on a square lattice