This project is an ongoing development of a Pac-Man game, created using C and SDL. The goal is to implement a fully functional version of the classic Pac-Man game, featuring a playable character (Pac-Man) and AI-controlled ghosts. Currently, the ghost utilizes Dijkstra's Algorithm to navigate the maze and attempt to find the optimal path to Pac-Man.
- Pac-Man Movement: Control Pac-Man using keyboard inputs.
- Ghost AI: The ghost uses Dijkstra's Algorithm to navigate the maze and chase Pac-Man.
- Maze Layout: A grid-based maze where walls are represented, and paths are clear for movement.
- Basic Rendering: Graphics are rendered using the SDL library(in C).
- C: Programming language used for game logic and structure.
- SDL: A cross-platform library for multimedia and graphics.
- Makefile: Used for building the project and managing compilation.
Make sure you have the following installed:
- GCC (GNU Compiler Collection)
- SDL2 development libraries
- Make
git clone
cd pacman-game
sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev