Wechat SDK example for login and sharing content. 🔫
- Simply copy the files : AuthWechatManager.m, AuthWechatManager.h, WechatUser.m and WechatUser.h into your project.
- Add also the wechat SDK : libWeChatSDK.a, WXApi.h, WXApiObject.h (chinese version).
First you need to add a URL Schemes to your project. Go to your project configuration > Info > URL Types
Then add a new one, the identifier can be : "weixin", the URL schemes must be your wechat appId.
To use your own wechat credential (appID and appSecret) information, you need to change the top of the file AuthWechatManager.m, with your informations :
#import "AuthWechatManager.h"
#import "WXApi.h"
#import "WXApiObject.h"
NSString *const WECHAT_APP_ID = @"wx778e68d591bbe9c8";
NSString *const WECHAT_APP_SECRET = @"72b7bdae9cfbfdf768360c628da89c25";
Then replace by your appId and appSecret.
To use the wechat authentification, and allow users to log in your app, you need to update your AppDelegate.m.
This is how you need to setup the wechat SDK and init the manager:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
//init the manager.
[[AuthWechatManager shareInstance] initManager];
return YES;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
if ([[AuthWechatManager shareInstance] isWechatUrl:[url absoluteString]]) {
//call your code for handle the wechat action
[self handleWechatUrl:url];
return true;
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
if ([[AuthWechatManager shareInstance] isWechatUrl:[url absoluteString]]) {
//call your code for handle the wechat action
[self handleWechatUrl:url];
return true;
How to handle the authentification, the simpliest way to do that, is to add a method in your AppDelegate.m file:
- (BOOL)handleWechatUrl:(NSURL *)url {
//check if there is a connected user to avoid to handle the Wechat url
//If connected return;
//present a loading controller, waiting to fetch the user data.
return [[AuthWechatManager shareInstance] handleOpenUrl:url completion:^(WechatUser * _Nullable user, NSError * _Nullable error) {
//get the user information see the WechatUser model.
//preparing to present the profile controller
//store the connected user, to keep him logged
[[AuthWechatManager shareInstance] initManager];
//Your user is logged here.
//change the root controller
To share content on Wechat, first the user need the app, or all the call will fail. The user doesn't need to be logged to use the wechat sharing feature.
You can share :
- A link
- An image
- A text
@brief Share a link.
@discussion Share a link, to the Wechat application.
@param title a title.
@param description a description.
@param thumbImage a preview visible on the chat.
@param url the link url.
@param scene specifie where to send the content : WXSceneTimeline (moment), WXSceneSession (contacts).
@return BOOL return the success status.
- (BOOL)shareLinkWithTitle:(NSString * _Nullable)title
description:(NSString * _Nullable)description
thumbImage:(UIImage * _Nullable)thumbImage
url:(NSString * _Nonnull)url
@brief Share an image.
@discussion Share an image, to the Wechat application.
@param image a image.
@param scene specifie where to send the content : WXSceneTimeline (moment), WXSceneSession (contacts).
@return BOOL return the success status.
- (BOOL)shareImageWithImage:(UIImage * _Nonnull)image to:(int)scene;
@brief Share a text.
@discussion Share a text, to the Wechat application.
@param text a text.
@param scene specifie where to send the content : WXSceneTimeline (moment), WXSceneSession (contacts).
@return BOOL return the success status.
- (BOOL)shareTextWithText:(NSString * _Nonnull)text to:(int)scene;