Implementation of paper: PDF
title={Robust superpixels using color and contour features along linear path},
author={Giraud, R{\'e}mi and Ta, Vinh-Thong and Papadakis, Nicolas},
journal={Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
- SCALP superpixels generated using color and contour features on the linear path between the pixel and the superpixel barycenter:
For C++ version: CImg library (unique .h already included)
A contour prior map can be provided to our method (for C++: an image with 255 for highest contour intensity)
The contour detection method used in this work is available here
Other contour detection methods can be found here
run main.m %call SCALP_mex
- Compilation:
- Execution prototype:
./SCALP -i img_name [-k superpixel_nbr(450)] [-m compactness(0.075)] [-outm output_map_name(./res/labelmap.png)] [-outb output_border_name(./res/borders.png)] [-c contour(NULL)]
- Execution with contour map: (make test)
./SCALP -i ./data/test_img.jpg -k 300 -m 0.075 -outm test_img_map.png -outb test_img_border.png -c ./data/test_img_contour.png
- Execution on an image list: (make test_list)
./scripts/ ./data/list_file.txt ./data/ 450 0.075
The Berkeley Segmentation Dataset (BSD) containing 500 images of size 321x481 pixels with segmentation and contour ground truths is available here
(C) Rémi Giraud, 2020
[email protected]
ENSEIRB-MATMECA (Bordeaux INP), Laboratory IMS
This code is free to use, share and modify for any non-commercial purposes. Any commercial use is strictly prohibited without the authors' consent, also including authors from (chen2017) since SCALP uses some part of their code:
author = {Jiansheng Chen and Zhengqin Li and Bo Huang},
title = {Linear Spectral Clustering Superpixel},
booktitle = {IEEE Transactions on Image Processing},
YEAR = {2017},