libby is going to be a library to work with yaml via the bash scripting language. It is based on the internal ruby library for yaml, and will include almost all the methods the ruby lib offers.
libby stands for lib(rary)b(ash)y(aml). And why? It is simple: there are a lot of scenarios where you aren't sudoer nor admin, and you have to run tests or programs on a server. Bash becomes then our best friend, and yaml the best language to define rules.
The idea for the project comes from my extensive use of config files in yaml on PHP and Ruby. I saw that it is possible indeed to mirror the logic used by ruby and php against yaml, but using bash.
there will be a "composer" or "bundler", called libby, wich will open the door to the yaml parsing and processing.
- Bash allocate memory for variable names dynamically without limitation. ** that offers a very big advantage for us.
As reference: