Jump bag tools for analyst
- need update
- need link
Dividing into sections, based on your objectives. Currently need links
- Notepad ++: Advanced text editor, used in order to view any javascript files.
- IDA Pro Free: x86 Disassembler.
- Ollydbg: x86 Disassembler.
- WinDbg: x86-based, x64-based, or ARM debugger.
- IlSpy: .NET decompiler.
- CFF Explorer: PE Editor.
- PE View: PE File Viewer.
- PEID: Used to determine if a file is packed, and other basic info.
- Resource Hacker: Allows us to view the resources that an executable file calls.
- Power_dump.py https://github.com/chrisjd20/power_dump
- Olevba :Python Oletools. Can extract Macro’s from documents and display auto run settings.
- From elevated console :Pip install oletools (Linux)
- Py -2 -m pip install oletools (Windows)
- CRITS: Malware analysis and IOC storage platform. Handy for quick analysis on Malware.
- Can extract macros and javascript embedded in documents
- Malzilla: Malware hunting tool.
- Streams:Sys internals tool for viewing Alternative Data Streams attached to files.
- WinDbg –Kernel debugger for Windows systems
- Muninn – A script to automate portions of analysis using Volatility
- DAMM –Differential Analysis of Malware in Memory, built on Volatility
- FindAES –Find AES encryption keys in memory
- Volatility — Advanced memory forensics framework
- DumpIt - tool to dump the memory of said host
- Belkasoft RAM Capturer - As the name suggest, to capture ram in .mem format. https://github.com/rasinfosec/memory_collector/tree/master/include/x86
- YARA – Pattern matching tool for analysts.
- Yara rules generator – Generate YARA rules based on a set of malware samples. Also, contains a good strings DB to avoid false -positives.
- File Scanning Framework – Modular, recursive file scanning solution.
- hash deep – Compute digest hashes with a variety of algorithms.
- Loki – Host-based scanner for IOCs.
- Malfunction – Catalog and compare malware at a function level.
- MASTIFF – Static analysis framework.
- SpamCop – IP-based spam block list.
- SpamHaus – Block list based on domains and IPs.
- Sucuri SiteCheck – Free Website Malware and Security Scanner.
- TekDefense Automatic – OSINT tool for gathering information about URLs, IPs, or hashes.
- URLQuery – Free URL Scanner.
- IPinfo – Gather information about an IP or domain by searching online resources.
- Whois – DomainTools free online whois search.
- mail checker – Cross-language temporary email detection library.
- Tcpdump – Collect network traffic.
- tcpick – Trach and reassemble TCP streams from network traffic.
- tcpxtract – Extract files from network traffic.
- Wireshark – The network traffic analysis tool.
- CapTipper – Malicious HTTP traffic explorer.
- chopshop – Protocol analysis and decoding framework.
- CloudShark – Web-based tool for packet analysis and malware traffic detection
- obj dump – Part of GNU Binutils, for static analysis of Linux binaries.
- OllyDbg – An assembly-level debugger for Windows executable
- FPort – Reports open TCP/IP and UDP ports in a live system and map them to the owning application.
- GDB – The GNU debugger.
- IDA Pro – Windows disassembler and debugger, with a free evaluation version.
- Immunity Debugger – Debugger for malware analysis and more, with a Python API.
- Firebug – Firefox extension for web development.
- Java Decompiler – Decompile and inspect Java apps.
- jsunpack-n – A javascript unpacker that emulates browser functionality.
- Krakatau – Java decompiler, assembler, and disassembler.
- Malzilla – Analyze malicious web pages.
- firmware.re – Unpacks, scans and analyzes almost any firmware package.
- Hybrid Analysis – Online malware analysis tool, powered by VxSandbox.
- IRMA – An asynchronous and customizable analysis platform for suspicious files.
- Cuckoo Sandbox – Open source, self-hosted sandbox, and automated analysis system.
- cuckoo-modified – Modified version of Cuckoo Sandbox released under the GPL.
- PDF Examiner – Analyse suspicious PDF files.
- ProcDot – A graphical malware analysis toolkit.
- Recomposer – A helper script for safely uploading binaries to sandbox sites.
- Sand droid – Automatic and complete Android application analysis system.
My setup for malware analysis is very simple. As a base system I use Linux (Debian) with Wireshark (to sniff the traffic from the guest if needed). Then I use Windows on VirtualBox. On Windows I have all my tools installed (PE-bear, debuggers, PIN tools, SysInternals Tools, Fiddler, etc). I don’t usually use hardened VMs, just a basic setup. I start from viewing a sample in PE-bear, then I am unpacking it (with PE-sieve, or manually if needed). Once I have the sample unpacked, I view it again in PE-bear, to get a general overview. If it is not obfuscated, I just open it in IDA and start analyzing statically. If the sample is complex or obfuscated, I start from tracing it by a PIN tracer. I usually use TinyTracer (https://github.com/hasherezade/tiny_tracer first), then eventually some more complex traces. They give me tags that I am loading to IDA to better understand the obfuscated parts. Depending on a sample, I can switch from static to dynamic analysis multiple times. Sometimes I may start from a behavioral analysis, observing API calls with ProcMon, observing eventual traffic with Fiddler or Wireshark. I do several iterations, renaming functions in IDA, adding comments. When the sample is defending itself against analysis, I find those branches by PIN tracers, and patch them to make the malware “blind”. Sometimes I import functions from malware to experiment with them (with libPeConv). I hope it answers your question
Very critical step for analyst is to have sufficient data. Below are list of data should be considered to be collected during an incident. (situational - not all are necessary)
- Physical memory
- Network connections, open TCP or UDP ports
- Currently logged on user / user accounts
- Current executing processes and services
- Scheduled jobs
- Windows registry
- Browser auto-completion data, passwords
- Screen capture
- Chat logs
- Windows SAM files / NTUser.dat files
- System logs
- Installed applications and drives
- Environment variables
- Internet history
Below are Offensive method, Its all for the "Analyst". There is no red, blue or purple.
Coming soon
Coming soon
coming soon
- https://nmap.org/ Network scanner / discovery.
- https://zmap.io/ Single packet network scanner. Able to scan whole IPV4 address space under 45 minutes.
- https://github.com/rafael-santiago/pig Packet crafting tool.
coiming soon
- https://www.aircrack-ng.org/ Set of tools for wireless network auditing coming soon
coming soon
- Mimikatz
- fgdump
- gsecdump
- Metasploit
- AceHash
- PWDumpX
- creddump
- WCE (Windows Credential Editor)
- TOR ( https://www.torproject.org/ )
- I2P ( https://geti2p.net/en/ )
- Subgraph OS ( https://subgraph.com/sgos/index.en.html )
- TAILS ( https://tails.boum.org/ )
- Whonix ( https://www.whonix.org/ )
Coming soon