With this little script you can check a single or a list of E-Mail Addressess if they have been powned. The source check is done via the HaveIbeenPowned APIv3
You need an HIBP Api Key: https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/Key
Install the pyhipb Library
pip3 install pyhibp
First clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/righter83/PyHIBP-API
Copy the config file and put your API Key in the copied file
cp config.json.dist config.json
if you wanna print only Breaches with passwords set onlyPw to true in config.json This is a static array list in the script
run the script for a single address
python3 Check_HIBP_API.py [email protected]
run the script for a list of addresses which are stored in list.txt
python3 Check_HIBP_API.py
Account [email protected] was hacked on these sites [{'Name': '000webhost'}, {'Name': '500px'}, {'Name': '8tracks'}]