- I'm currently finishing Common Core at 42 Porto, mastering my skils in C and C++;
- I'm actively seeking opportunities in the job market!
- You can reach me at [[email protected]]
Rank | Project | Language | Grade | Description |
0 | libft | C | 100% | This project is about codeing a C library. It contains a lot of general purpuse functions my programs rely upon. |
1 | ft_printf | C | 100% | This project is about recoding printf(). |
1 | get_next_line | C | 125% | This project is about programming a function that returns a line read from a file descriptor. |
1 | born2beroot | Shell, CLI | 100% | This project is a System Administration related exercise: creating a virtual machine. Consists of setting up a server while following specific rules regarding partitions, open ports, hostname, password policy and sudo configuration, with a script displayed every 10 minutes. |
2 | push_swap | C | 125% | This project is about optimized data sorting. |
2 | pipex | C | 125% | This project is about handeling pipes and redirections, learing about processes and file descriptors. |
2 | FdF | C | 100% | This project is about representing a landscape as a 3D object in which all surfaces are outlined in lines. |
3 | philosophers | C | 100% | This project is about solving the dining philosophers problem, using threads. |
3 | minishell | C | 101% | This is a group project about creating a simple shell: your own bash. |
4 | miniRT | C | 100% | This is a group project about redering Computer-Generated-Images using the Ray-tracing tecnique. |
4 & 5 | CPP-Modules | C++ | Building... | Time to dive into Object Oriented Programming! This project contains 10 modules with some basic concepts to learn how to code in c++. |