(pronounce clammy
, German for "Terminal") is a serial terminal application designed
for developers. klemme is a mode based application, i.e. at any given time it can be in any of the following modes:
- Normal, this mode allows to exit the app and to switch to the other modes.
- Settings, allows the use to setup the used port and port settings
- Interactive, opens the port outputs received data and allows the user to send data through the port
- Analyzer, allows the user to analyze received data (e.g. look at bit representations of indiviual bytes)
- Supports common baud rates & port settings
- Wide range of display modes that can be applied retro actively
- Uses less than 2 MB RAM in most circumstances
Normal --> Settings
Normal --> Interactive
Normal --> Analyzer
Settings --> Normal
Settings --> Interactive
Interactive --> Normal
Analyzer --> Normal
- esc - Change to normal mode
- F2 - Change display mode
- F9 - Toggle timing display mode
- F10 - Clear history
- a - enter analyzer mode
- s - enter settings mode
- i - enter interactive mode
- esc - exit
- p - select port
- b - select baud rate
- s - select stop bits
- a - select parity
- d - select databits
- m - select display mode
- Return - Enter interactive mode
- PageUp - Scroll Receive Buffer Up
- PageDown - Scroll Receive Buffer Down
- Enter - Send current send buffer (according to CRLF and Input settings)
- F3 - Change input mode
- F4 - Change CRLF mode
- F5 - Retain input (don't clear TX after sending)
Note: Analyzer Features are only available in display HEX mode.
- PageUp/PageDown - Scroll Receive buffer
- Up/Down/Left/Right - Move analyzer cursor
- e - switch endianness
klemme supports displaying data in several different modes:
- Decimal: Received bytes are displayed with their decimal value
- Hex: Receive bytes are displayed with ther hexadecimal value
- Ascii: Received bytes are displayed as characters, if printable. Control bytes are displayed as <ByteName>.
- MixedHex: Printable bytes are displayed as characeters, everything else as hex.
- MixedDec: Printable bytes are displayed as characters, everything else as decimal.
When sending data, klemme allows to append CRLF characters automatically. The following settings are available:
- None: No data is appended
- CR: A CR character is appended after each user input
- LF: An LF character is appended after each user input
- CRLF: A CR and an LF character are appended after each user input
Input modes govern how the data the user enters in interactive mode is interpreted before it is sent.
- Default: Data is sent as entered. The user can enter arbitrary bytes.
- Hex: Data is interpreted as Hexadecimal value, where two digts become a single byte. Users can only enter hex digits (0-9A-Fa-f) and whitespace. White space is ignored for interpretation.
- Input: AB CF Output Bytes: 0xAB, 0xCF
- Input: BCEF Output Bytes: 0xBC 0xEF
- Input: B C DF Output Bytes: 0xBC 0xDF
klemme will attempt to store a .klemme file in the folder it is executed in.