⭕️ Halo is a real-time lighting console built for the console. It's lighting engine supports beat synchronized effects using Ableton Link and SMPTE Timecode.
This project is still in heavy development and not suitable for production use (even though I use it for my own shows).
- Control multiple groups of fixtures.
- Synchronize with an Ableton Link session.
- Network interface for Art-Net output
- Ableton Link compatible device/software (optional)
cargo run --release
Halo doesn't use a programmer, editor or GUI. It is only a playback engine. You define shows ahead of time using the show file format. At the moment this is done purely in code.
- LTC/SMPTE Timecode
- Show file live reloading
No programmer. No editor. Halo is only a playback engine. You do the programming in code using HScript.
- Surfaces: Ways to control the show or view output. Usually a MIDI interface or LCD.
- Cue: TODO
- Cue List: A collection of cues. Can be started, stopped, etc.
- Executor: Cue Lists can have multiple executors to run tasks in parallel.
- Fader: TODO
- Scene: TODO
- Fixture: A device that emits light.
- Scene: A programmed look you have set up the lights to display.
- Venue: Constrain movers and custom presets. (could skip this)
- Float
- Float16 (two channels)
- RGB (color mixer)
- Bool: Boolean value on a single DMX channel: 0-127 means false, 128-255 means true
- Fixture Test Mode
- Cycle through fixtures and highlight them to test patches.
- Playback Engine
- Save/Load Shows
- SMPTE Input
- Beat Sync
- Ableton Link
- Pixel Engine
- Support WS??? LED lights. Enttec Octo
- Convert videos into pixels?
- There is no GUI pixel mapping. You need to do this yourself.
- OSC Support
- Start show
- Cues
- Go
- Jump to Cue