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Robyn Overstreet edited this page Feb 3, 2015 · 117 revisions

Comm Lab Networked Media Syllabus

Spring 2015

Thursday 6:30 - 9pm, Jan. 29 - Mar. 12 (7 weeks)

Instructor: Robyn Overstreet, robynover at gmail

Office Hours: Tuesdays 12:30 - 2:30pm. Sign up for appointment slots: or email me if you'd like to schedule a different time.

Google Group:!forum/networkedmedia

Jump to Weekly Schedule

The network is one of our most fundamental mediums for interactivity. It makes possible our interaction with machines, data, and, most importantly, other people. Though the base interaction it supports is simple, a client sends a request to a server, which replies; an incredible variety of systems can be and have been built on top of it.

In this course, students will utilize JavaScript as both a client and server side programming language to build creative network systems. Additionally, HTML and CSS will be used to define the structure and visual interface.


Grades will be determined according to the following breakdown:

  • Regular Assignments 40%
  • Participation and Attendance 40%
  • Final Project 20%
  • Please see ITP’s statement on Pass/Fail which states that a “Pass” is equivalent to an “A” or a “B” while anything less would be considered a “Fail”.


It is expected that everyone in the class will create and maintain a blog for their assignments.

Listserv (Google Group)

This class is very participatory in nature and discussions will certainly take place outside of the classroom. Along with the blog, one of the primary vehicles for these discussions (as well as administrative issues) will be the Google group / listserv. Use the listserv to ask questions about homework assignments and try to answer other people’s questions when you can.

Laptops and WiFi

Laptops and WiFi available are valuable tools for use in the classroom. Unfortunately, they can very easily be a distraction as well. Since this class is technical in nature and we’ll likely be trying code and looking at online resources laptops use will likely be very useful. We should though be courteous to one another and during discussion or student presentations laptops use should be curtailed.

Weekly Assignments

We will have weekly assignments that are relevant to material from the previous class. These assignments are required and you should be prepared to show/talk about them in class. This is 40% of your grade.


Attendance is mandatory. Please inform me via email if you are going to miss a class. Habitually showing up late for class or an excessive number of absences will adversely affect your grade.

Class Participation

This class will be participatory: you are expected to participate in discussions and give feedback to other students both in class and participate with their projects. Be cognizant of how you interact in class discussions. If you find yourself commenting more frequently than most other people in the class, step back and give others a chance to contribute (even if you have something to say). If you tend to hesitate to join discussions, challenge yourself to jump in. Check out the ITP Rules of Play for more info on the participation philosophy.

Class participation (along with attendance) is 40% of your grade.

Final Projects

Class will culminate final projects. You are expected to push your abilities to produce something that utilizes what you have learned in the class that is useful in some manner to yourself or the world. This will comprise 20% of your grade.

Weekly Schedule

Week 1: Client and Server

  • What is "networked media"?
  • Client-Server and HTTP
  • Building simple servers: Introducing client-side Javascript with Node and Servi

Details: Week 1 Notes


This week's assignment involves a lot of piecemeal set-up tasks. Please see Week 1 Notes, where they are described in detail.

Week 2: The front end

  • HTML and CSS
  • Programming in JavaScript -- front end vs. back end


  • Build a simple website using HTML and CSS and host it on your Digital Ocean account using Node and Servi
  • Reading TBA

Week 3: HTML meets Javascript: the DOM

  • Manipulating the Document Object Model with Javascript
  • Using P5.js and P5 DOM
  • JavaScript Events

Assignment TBA

Week 4: Consuming Data

  • Web Services, APIs: AJAX and JSON

Assignment TBA

Week 5: More Server-side Javascript

  • Responding to user interaction via HTTP
  • GET, POST, and Forms
  • Accepting uploads

Assignment TBA

Week 6: Server-side Data Storage

  • Servi database
  • Data storage options
  • Project proposals


  • Work on Projects
  • Additional topics as time and interest allow

Week 7: Presentations




###Tutorials, Books, Online Courses
