xml-rpc server middleware for express built on node
'use strict'
const xmlrpc = require('express-xmlrpc')
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = process.env.PORT || 9999
app.post('/', xmlrpc.apiHandler({
echo: function (req, res) {
xmlrpc.sendResult(req.body.params[0], req, res)
const client = xmlrpc.createClient({ port: port })
client.methodCall('echo', [{ data: 9001 }], (error, value) => {
console.log(`error: '${error}'`)
console.log(`value: '${JSON.stringify(value)}'`)
$ yarn add express-xmlrpc
make sure the dev dependencies are installed
$ yarn install
run the test
$ yarn test
Originally forked from the xrpc project. Uses Serializer and Deserializer logic from the rosnodejs package.