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Mobile _ Functional Specs _ Nov 2015

siegs edited this page Dec 4, 2015 · 1 revision

###Three main Navigation components:

  1. Balance (bits) (centered)

    1. BTC amount minimized below
  2. Notification icon (left)

    1. Bubble with notification count
  3. Account icon (right)

###Three main Navigation actions:

  1. Tap Balance

    1. Balance (Bits (default)) toggles to current USD value
    2. Balance (USD) toggles to BTC valaue
    3. Balance (BTC) toggles to Bits (Default)
  2. Tap Notification icon

    1. “Notifications” title appears

      1. Bits balance minimized below
    2. Notification feed slides up to bottom of Navigation header, over main Feed

      1. Linear easing over .2 seconds
    3. Notification icon turns white

      1. tapping again closes notification feed
        1. Linear easing over .2 seconds
        2. Navigation bar returns to Home state
  3. X-out appears (on right) and Account icon disappears

    1. tapping x-out closes notification feed
      1. Linear easing over .2 seconds
      2. Navigation bar returns to Home state
  4. Tap Account Icon

    1. “Account” title appears

      1. -Bits balance minimized below-
    2. Account Feed slides up to bottom of Navigation header, over main Feed

      1. Linear easing over .2 seconds
    3. Account icon turns white

      1. tapping again closes Account page
        1. Linear easing over .2 seconds
        2. Navigation bar returns to Home state
    4. X-out appears (on left) and Notification icon disappears

      1. tapping X-out closes Account page
        1. Linear easing over .2 seconds
        2. Navigation bar returns to Home state
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