This repo contains static linked binaries of docker ce packed in linux ipk format. Check Release tags to get the newest version.
- Wago PFC Generation 2 (e.g. 750-8212, 750-8213..) or Wago Touch Panel 600 (e.g 0762-4104, 0762-4103..) or the new Edge Controller (e.g 0752-8303...)with min. firmware 12 or higher installed in flash.
- for firmware download or update see:
- Wago docker.ipk
- PC with preinstalled SSH Client (e.g.
- Web browser of your choice. (e.g. chrome).
- Start Wago PFC.
- Open WBM (Web Base Management) menu "Software Uploads".
- Navigate to wago docker IPK. (e.g. docker_xx.xx.xx_armhf.ipk)
- Then press "Install" button.
- After finishing, you should see the success message.
- Open menu "Networking -> Routing" and activate the IP Forwarding chekbox. (Don't forget to press the Submit button!)
- Restart the PFC (e.g. menu "Administration -> Reboot")
Start SSH Client e.g. Putty
login as `root`
password `wago`
docker info
docker ps # to see all running container (no container should run)
docker images # to see all preinstalled images
Enjoy the power of the whale!
Due to the lack of memory on the "home" partition it is interesting to move the docker "data-root" to an SD card. This approach offers the following advantages:
- positioning of more docker images on the PFC.
- any images / containers can be pre-installed by replacing the SD card.
- the physical portability of the images / containers increases.
- Insert any SD card into the WAGO device (preferably WAGO SD card)
- Open WBM (Web Base Management) menu "Mass Storage".
Select "Ext4" as file system type and assign a label for the SD partition (in our case "sd"). Then press the start button.
Stop running docker daemon.
/etc/init.d/dockerd stop
Copy actual docker data root folder to sd card.
cp -r /home/docker /media/sd/
Edit daemon.json and change docker "data-root" entry.
vi /etc/docker/daemon.json or nano /etc/docker/daemon.json
- Start docker daemon.
/etc/init.d/dockerd start
- Check docker functionality.
docker info
docker ps # to see all running container
docker images # to see all preinstalled images