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code to demonstrate the tessellation l0 functionality

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Tessellation Demo.

Simple integrations with the tessellation directed acyclic graph (dag).


This project depends on the constellation tessellation libraries. See:

The project has been developed against release v0.11.2:

As of the time of writing, in order to build this project you will need to clone, assemble and locally release this version of the tessellation code. Assuming you have a directory /workspace then the required steps will be something like the following:

git clone
cd tessellation
git checkout v0.11.2
sbt assembly
sbt publishM2 

You will need at least one tessellation L0 (genesis) node running in order to test this service - please refer to the tessellation documentation.

Build and run

To compile:

sbt compile

To test:

sbt test

To assemble an executable jar:

sbt assembly


Resource Method Query Paramaters Description
/demo/ping GET Tests server availability.
/demo/global-snapshots/:ordinal GET Returns a string representation of the global-snapshot identified by the ordinal.
/demo/transactions/:ordinal GET Returns any demo transactions persisted in the global snapshot with the supplied ordinal.
/demo/state-channel-snapshot POST lastSnapshotHash Returns a signed copy of the supplied transaction or sequence of transactions if valid; else BadRequest

Note that /demo/state-channel-snapshot demonstrates simple validation of payloads.

The POST payload is a json body encoding either a single DemoTransaction or a sequence of DemoTransactions, e.g.

    "txnid": "txnid1",
    "resourceid": "resource_id",
    "data1": 1000

The validation rules applied are that:

  • the 'txnid" field length must be > 5 characters; and
  • the 'data1" field value must be > 0


The service uses decline for configuration. 

The following environment variables must be set:


This can be done on a nix system using an export command e.g.:

export CL_KEYSTORE=$./key.p12 CL_KEYALIAS=walletalias CL_PASSWORD=welcome123

The following additional configuration items are currently supported.

Item Default value
tessellation-url-prefix http://localhost:9000
state-channel-address DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvX
public-port 19000
p2p-port 19001
cli-port 19002

These items have default values which can be overridden by supplying a command line argument with the item name.

For example to override the public port if the assembled jar file is named acc.jar:

java -cp acc.jar com.teseellation.demo.Main run-demo --public-port 8000

Key store

The service requires a keystore (key.p12 file) and also must be configured to find the keystore.

A sample keystore used by the tests is located in src/test/resources. This can be used for some use cases when running locally.

To generate a keystore use the constellation keystore tool. For example to create a keystore in the /keystore directory:

sbt assembly
cp /modules/keytool/target/scala-2.13/tessellation-keytool-assembly-XXX.jar /keystore/keytool.jar
cd /keystore
export CL_KEYSTORE=/keystore/key.p12 CL_KEYALIAS=walletalias CL_PASSWORD=welcome123
java -jar keytool.jar generate

Sample commands

To run from the project base directory you must specify the path to a working keystore (see above). e.g.

sbt "run run-demo" 

To run an assembled jar which has been named acc.jar, using the default port 19000:

java -cp acc.jar com.teseellation.demo.Main run-demo

To run an assembled jar which has been named acc.jar and override the tessellation url:

java -cp acc.jar com.teseellation.demo.Main run-demo  --tessellation-url-prefix http://localhost:8000

To test service availability:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/ping

To see the global snapshot identified by the ordinal 0:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/global-snapshots/0

To create a signed state channel binary snapshot payload from a single sample transaction using the default last snapshot hash:

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:19000/demo/data-transactions/sign -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H "Accept:application/json" -d @examples/DemoTransaction.json

The payload can be submitted to tessellation L0

To create a signed state channel binary snapshot payload from a single sample transaction using a specified last snapshot hash:

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:19000/demo/data-transactions/sign?lastSnapshotHash=649738443ff34068f267428420e42cbcc79824bea7e004faffbca67fddad3f08 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H "Accept:application/json" -d @examples/DemoTransaction.json

The payload can be submitted to tessellation L0

To create a signed state channel binary snapshot payload from multiple sample transactions using the default last snapshot hash:

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:19000/demo/data-transactions/sign?lastSnapshotHash=649738443ff34068f267428420e42cbcc79824bea7e004faffbca67fddad3f08 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H "Accept:application/json" -d @examples/MultipleDemoTransactions.json

The payload can be submitted to tessellation L0

To submit invalid sample transactions to /data-transactions/sign in order to see a validation failure with a subsequent BadRequest response:

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:19000/demo/data-transactions/sign?lastSnapshotHash=649738443ff34068f267428420e42cbcc79824bea7e004faffbca67fddad3f08 -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H "Accept:application/json" -d @examples/InvalidDemoTransactions.json

To retrieve any data-transactions you might have persisted in the tessellation global snapshot ordinal 0:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/data-transactions/0

To see the starting token balance of wallet 1:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-balances/DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvL

To see the starting token balance of wallet 2:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-balances/DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvP

To see the starting token balance of wallet 3:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-balances/DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvT

To make a transaction transferring 100 token from wallet 1 to wallet 2:

curl -v -X POST http://localhost:19000/demo/token-transactions  -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -H "Accept:application/json" -d @examples/TokenTransaction.json

Use the returned transaction id to view the persisted transaction:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-transactions/b74a1fe3-1b89-432a-9aa7-9004e490cd31

You can see all the token transactions for a wallet address like this:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-transactions/wallet/DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvL

You can also view the balance for wallets 1 and 2 again:

curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-balances/DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvL
curl -i http://localhost:19000/demo/token-balances/DAG45MPJCa2RsStWfdv8RZshrMpsFHhnsiHN7kvP


code to demonstrate the tessellation l0 functionality






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