Downloaded the composer using brew, i.e. brew install composer
Downloaded laravel installer using the composer, i.e. composer global require "laravel/ installer=~1.1"
Installed laravel via homebrew, i.e. brew install laravel
Added a path to laravel as: export PATH=$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin
Created a new laravel directory as: laravel new [name]
e.g. laravel new mouse
Created a new application key as: php artisan key:generate
Changed directory to the one with the app folder, then renamed the app folder. E.g. php artisan app:name tripped
tripped is the name of the application
Accessed the Homestead.yaml and host files and modified them to add the tripped application.
- Signed in via github
- Added the repo to be tested
- Updated the PHP version of CircleCI
- Added the environment variable (generated using php artisan key:generate) to the CircleCI project folder
- Signed in via github
- Choose the repo
- Tell StyleCI to use laravel presets