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Welcome to cyberland2.club! Should work with your legacy cyberland clients. https://github.com/sailboat-anon/sailboatland
NEW FEATURES (4/24/20):
- We're federated! https://github.com/sailboat-anon/api/wiki
*** WHO ARE YOU ANON, and what's the name of your custom client?
im done making a client, how can i be a productive member of this project?
fork -> commit to your fork -> make PR from your fork master to base repo master
im ready for my masters class, wut do?
setup ansible playbooks, docker, and deploy to AWS/GCP/Azure using kubernetes
*** POSTING This will create a post to the off topic board containing the content x and replying to y, if y is unspecified, then it will be considered that it does not reply to anything.
curl https://cyberland2.club/o/?content=x&replyTo=y
*** GETTING POSTS This will get y number of posts from the off topic board that reply to post number x with the newest first as a JSON object. If x is unspecified, just y number of recent posts will be returned. The number of posts you can recieve at once may be limited at some point depending on how this goes.
curl https://cyberland2.club/o/?thread=x&num=y
You can sort using sortOrder (values: "bumpCount", "time", "id") in ascending or descending order using sortHierarchy (values: "ASC", "DESC").
*** SORTING If I wanted to get all posts on /t/, sorted by bumpcount I would do this:
curl https://cyberland2.club/t/?sortOrder=bumpCount
This would get you all the oldest posts first:
curl https://cyberland2.club/t/?sortOrder=time&sortHierarchy=ASC
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