Admin: Getting started * Setting up an analysis * Data Management * Reproducible Research * Methods for manuscripts * Downloading data * Acknowledging funding * Initial consults * Chargeback models * Archiving project folders * Consulting resources * Pull for knowledge work instead of push * Scripts for tracking storage on O2
bcbio: docs * issues * validation * running in parallel * genomes * tips * RNA-seq workflow by Mary * installation by Michael * installation by Sergey * RNA-seq workflow by Systems Pharmacology lab * gtf/gff validators * Create hybrid mammal virus genome * python package in 2022
Bulk RNA-seq: Count normalization methods * Dexseq * Failure types * IRFinder_report * RepEnrich2 guide * IRFinder * Strandedness * Tools * Bibliography * Bibliography.bib * ASE * eQTL * GTEx * SummarizedExperiment templates for QC and DE analyses * bcbioLite * Cluster profiler * ggsashimi * Differential exon usage with Suppa2 * cell type deconvolution * webgestalt * Differential splicing with Leafcutter
CHIP-seq: ENCODE Guidelines * CHIp-seq intro * Tools * Cut&RUN * Antibody column on metadata * Cut&RUN for tfBS * Cut&Run tools2 * TF regulons
Misc: Git tips * Organized papers * AWS * Core resources * General NGS * Orphan improvements * OSX * Snakemake * miRNA * detect sample mislabeling * Get SRA links * GNU parallel * GEO Submissions * Report FAQs Snippet * teaching materials from Liu lab * Connected papers * Speciation genomics tutorial * Custom Genome with Reform * Multiomics Factor Analysis * Bioinformatics course * BARC SOP - WI MIT * Babraham courses *Illumina Dragen * JTLeek group genomics papers * R-Metabolomics * Nextflow training * IOWA State U bioinformatics core knowledgebase * Long-read presentation from Jihe * Creative science
Nanopore: Master of pores from CRG * Tombo * Megalodon * Processing Direct RNA Sequencing data on O2
Multi-omics integration: Diablo paper vignette * totalVI - citeSeq
R: .Rprofile * RShiny * htmlwidgets * Tip and tricks * Complex heatmap * Fundamentals of data visualization * Big Book of R * Statistical rethinking * and other bookdown books * Boxplot evolution * Intro to stat computing * data to viz * modern statistics for modern biology * Heatmap examples * Learniing statistics with R * Understanding statistics and experimental design * data analysis and prediction algorithms with R * R for data analysis * Exclude ranges * R crash course
RC: Connection to HPC * Keep command alive * IPython notebook * Manage files * O2 tips * Scheduler * Jupyter notebooks * tmux tips * FAS virtual desktops
Single Cell RNA-seq: Bcbio indrops3 * Rstudio docker * Saturation * Clustering analysis in Seurat * Seurat markers * Single Cell conda * Cell types * Tools * Tutorials * Bibliography * Velocity * Doublets * Zinbwaver * pseudobulk DESeq2 * pseudobulk edgeR * CITE-seq * Library structures * Seurat to 10X counts * Azimuth * Running Cell Ranger O2 * Cluster annotation tutorial * Diff composition analysis * OSCA * upstream TF with pySCENIC * SC article list for beginners * demuxafy (includes demultiplexing, background and doublet detection tools
Training team: github * Upcoming workshops * Past workshops * Workshop materials
- Team members: Radhika Khetani, Mary Piper, Meeta Mistry, Jihe Liu, Will Gammerdinger
- Email: hbctraining (at)
Variants: Clonal evolution * Cancer variant databases * Open Cravat * Applied computational genomics course by A. Quinlan *SC Phylogeny * Validating variants in IGV
WGS: CRISPR offtarget * Pacbio genome assembly
WGBS: BCratio using centromere as spike-in * RnBeads
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- ATAC-seq
- miRNA
- integrate (link?) hbctraining, tutorials, bcbio docs
- Lorena's wisdom:
- information that apply to all templates:
- List of templates right now:
- single cell custom templates: