Fast food fast is a fast food delivery application
- User can signin/signout from the app.
- User can an order for food.
- User can get a history list of orders.
- Admin can get all user orders
- Admin can get a specific order.
- Admin can uppdate the status of an order.
- Admin and user can get the menu.
- Add food option to the menu.
Clone the repository below
git clone -b api-v2
-virtualenv venv --python=python3.6
$ touch .env
Set the environment variables
-export FLASK_APP=""
-export APP_SETTINGS="development"
-export FLASK_DEBUG=1
-export JWT_SECRET_KEY="aduscaecawserydtvyubiun1234567******sfc"
-export DATABASE_URL="dbname='fast_food_db' host='' port='5432' user='fast_food_user' password='salma'"
-export DATABASE_TEST_URL="dbname='fast_food_test_db' host='' port='5432' user='fast_food_user' password='salma'"
pip install -r requirements.txt
source .env
Method | Endpoint | Description |
POST | /api/v2/auth/signup | User sign up |
POST | /api/v2/auth/login | User login |
POST | /api/v2/users/orders/<{id}> | User places an order |
GET | /api/v2/users/orders | User gets the order history |
GET | /api/v2/orders | Admin gets all the orders |
GET | /api/v2/orders | Admin gets all the orders |
GET | /api/v2/orders/<{id}> | Admin gets specific order |
PUT | /api/v2/orders/<{id}> | Admin updates order status |
GET | /api/v2/menu | Admin gets the available menu |
GET | /api/v2/menu | Admin adds a meal option to the menu |