A multiplayer game on a website, that will generate party code (similar to JackBox).
The players will be given a random line of lyric, and then they have 13 seconds to guess which Taylor Swift song the lyric is from by selecting 1 of the 4 choices.
There will be a round of 13 lines of lyrics. The score also depends on how fast they answer.
At the end of the round, players see their ranking and score.
(If time allows, I will make the game to have other artist other than TS that the players could choose to play the same game)
- Node.js
- Prisma (ORM)
- TypeScript
- tRPC (typesafe APIs)
Frontend: React:
- React
- Tailwind CSS + daisyUI
- Vercel (Next.js frontend/backend)
- Planetscale (for db)
set up the Ably Realtime (https://ably.com) make an acount, get the token put it in .env file
yarn install
In schema.prisma :
datasource db {
provider = "sqlite"
url = "file:./db.sqlite"
//provider = "mysql"
//url = env("DATABASE_URL")
referentialIntegrity = "prisma"
yarn prisma db push
yarn dev