Introduction to AWS Backup service
There are mainly 2 shell scripts to create and delete an EFS backup using AWS Backup CLI :
- executes below steps
a. Create a backup vault
-> Creates a backup vault using my-app-backup-vault-create.json
-> Values to be replaced : <aws_region>, <aws_account_id>, <key_id>
b. Create a backup plan and store id into local variable
-> Creates a backup plan using my-app-backup-plan-create.json
-> This plan schedules backup daily at 9 AM (using cron expression : "cron(0 9 ? * * *)") and retains for 1 day
c. Update the plan id in the respective json files
-> Updates the generated plan_id into respective json files (for backup_selection create and delete operations)
d. Create a backup selection with given resources and store id into local variable
-> Adds AWS resources for the backup to be taken (In this case, EFS)
-> Values to be replaced : <aws_region>, <aws_account_id>, <efs_id>
e. Store backup selection id in respective json files
-> Stores the generated backup_selection_id in the respective json file (for backup_selection delete operation)
- (to undo the create operations in reverse order) executes belows steps
-> All the values are replaced by the create scripts, hence no need to replace anything in these scripts.
a. Delete backup selection
-> Using the json file : EFS-backup-selection-delete.json
b. Delete backup plan
-> Using the json file : my-app-backup-plan-delete.json
c. Delete backup vault
-> Using json file : my-app-backup-vault-delete.json
Pre-requisite : AWS CLI is installed and configured Configuring the AWS CLI
Clone this repository :
git clone
Go to the directory :
cd /path/to/repository/sample_scripts
Replace the values as mentioned above
Run the scripts :
-> To create :
-> To delete :
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