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Deploying ricordo refui

sarala edited this page Sep 12, 2012 · 1 revision
  1. Download ricordo-owlkb-runner-jar-with-dependencies.jar and ricordo-refui.war from

  2. Edit the file in ricordo-owlkb-runner-jar-with-dependencies.jar as needed( Default values are appropriate except the location of your OWL file. This must be changed to a valid path. It is recommended that you use OWL-EL for performance. You can download example owl-el files from

Please note the different file path schemes:

linux: kb.file=/path to owl file/ricordo-test-kb.owl

windows: kb.file=C:\\path to owl file\\ricordo-test-kb.owl

  1. Run owlkb separately by running ricordo-owlkb-runner-jar-with-dependencies.jar

'java -jar ricordo-owlkb-runner-jar-with-dependencies.jar'

  1. Set up Virtuoso following

  2. Edit the file as needed(/WEB-INF/classes/ Default values are appropriate except:

  • location of your OWL file. This must be changed to a valid path. It is recommended that you use OWL-EL for performance. You can download example owl-el files from
  • rdf store end point configurations. Note: sparql query template files follow the sbmlrdfshema, if using a different data set, the query files need to be changed accordingly.
  1. Deploy the changed war file into tomcat ( Information on setting up tomcat and deploying applications can be found at

  2. Open a web browser and start using the refui. eg: http://localhost:8080/ricordo-refui/Ricordo.html#ricordoapp

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