Python wrapper for API which provides public data from the website.
The package requires Python 3.8 or higher.
Install latest version from PyPI pip install
- Documentation:
- Published-Data API:
The package uses aiohttp for asynchronous requests and requests for synchronous requests to interact with the API.
from chessdotcom import ChessDotComClient
client = ChessDotComClient(user_agent = "My Python Application...")
response = client.get_player_profile("fabianocaruana") # 'Fabiano Caruana'
response.player.title # 'GM'
response.player.last_online_datetime # datetime.datetime(2024, 10, 25, 20, 8, 28)
response.player.joined_datetime # datetime.datetime(2013, 3, 17, 15, 14, 32)
# See readthedocs for full documentation of responses
# or access the source
response.json['player']['name'] # 'Fabiano Caruana'
from chessdotcom import get_player_profile, Client
Client.request_config["headers"]["User-Agent"] = (
"My Python Application. "
"Contact me at [email protected]"
response = get_player_profile("fabianocaruana")
from chessdotcom import ChessDotComClient
client = ChessDotComClient(user_agent = "My Python Application...", aio = True)
usernames = ["fabianocaruana", "GMHikaruOnTwitch", "MagnusCarlsen", "GarryKasparov"]
cors = [client.get_player_profile(name) for name in usernames]
async def gather_cors(cors):
return await asyncio.gather(*cors)
responses =
Every function accepts a tts
parameter which controls the number of seconds the Client
will wait before making the request. This is useful if running a lot of coroutines at once.
cors = [get_player_profile(name, tts = i / 10) for i, name in enumerate(usernames)]
The second method is to pass rate_limit_handler
option to the client.
from chessdotcom import RateLimitHandler
client = ChessDotComClient(
rate_limit_handler = RateLimitHandler(tts = 4,retries = 2)
If the initial request gets rate limited the client will automatically retry the request 2 more times with an interval of 4 seconds.
- Profile
- Stats
- Clubs
- Game archives
- Current games
- Games by month
- Games by month PGN
- Tournaments
- Titled players
- Team matches
- Current games to move API is subject to change. Smoke tests are ran daily to make sure the package is working correctly.
Please open an Issue if you spot any bugs.