The aim of this project is help schools,colleges, universities in thier process of making time table for respective organisations. Time Table scheduling is an dynamic problem which we intend to solve using genetic algorithm.
First Run the MySQL Queries mentioned in MySQL Setup Queries then run the following commands to execute the program successfully
To install python requirements
pip install -r requirement.txt
To Compile Files(Location : Project Directory)
cd src
javac -d "../out/production/Automated_Time_Table_Scheduler" -classpath "../Jar Files/ITextPDF.jar;./" AutomatedTimeTableScheduler/
To Execute Program(Location : Project Directory)
java -classpath "./out/production/Automated_Time_Table_Scheduler;./Jar Files/MySQl JDBC Connector.jar;./Jar Files/ITextPDF.jar" AutomatedTimeTableScheduler.Application
src contains Source code for Program.
Jar Files contains additional dependencies for this project.
To efficiently store data this project uses RDBMS.The ER Diagram and Relational Schema for Database are given below
Additionally MySQL Setup Queries has SQL command and Instructions for Setting up Database
- MySQl
To store the vast amount of data that this project has to handle we have used MySQl Database.
- IntelliJ IDE ( Community Version )
To Develop this Project efficiently IntelliJ Community Version IDE is Used.
- Java Swing
To develop GUI interface so that application is interactive Java Swing API is used.
Following IEEE research papers were referred :
- Automated Timetabling System for University Course
- Genetic Algorithm For Solving University Course Timetabling Problem Using Dynamic Chromosomes
- Automation and Optimization of Course Timetabling Using the Iterated Local Search Hyper Heuristic Algorithm
- Timetable Model for Individualization of Education Based on Multi-agent Approach