Hectocs are small mathematical riddles or challenges developed by Yusnier Viera. A german source can be found at https://wir-rechnen.de/hectoc. Both sources are unrelated to this project. This site is an OpenSource project from seism0saurus.
The Hectocs consist of six numbers. The goal is to combine the 6 numbers to a total of 100. You can use the mathematical operations + - * / ^ and the parenthesis ( ). Numbers can be combined, but you have to use all 6 of them and are not allowed to change the order.
For example: 991347 can be solved with "99+1-(3+4-7)".
The deployed instance of the website and web application can be found under hectoc.seism0saurus.de.
This repository contains multiple subprojects that are grouped around the Hectoc theme. The work in this repository is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
The Hectoc Challenger in the webapp folder is a webapplication, that creates challenges and checks your answer.
The Hectoc library in the shared folder contains some Java classes to generate Hectocs and check solutionPdos with a modified version of a Shunting Yard Algorithm and stacks.
You can use that library, if you want to implement your own Java apps or tools for Hectocs.
The Hectoc Bot in the bot folder is a Mastodon bot, that runs @[email protected]. It posts a Hectoc every hour and can favorite correct answers. Wrong answers get a private commend.
The Hectoc Bruteforcer in the bruteforcer is a commandline tool to try all possible solutionPdos for the unsolved challenges.
The projects are structured as multimodule maven project.
It should be sufficient to call maven compile
in the parent directory.
To create executable jar files, call maven package