35 new fonts added
1- smooth1
2- smooth2
3- carrier1
4- carrier2
5- cute1
6- cute2
7- cute3
8- cjk
9- malayalam
10- lilia
11- dwarf
12- awesome
13- lopioo
14- cranky
15- fancy87
16- fancy88
17- fancy89
18- fancy90
19- fancy91
20- fancy92
21- fancy93
22- fancy94
23- fancy95
24- fancy96
25- fancy97
26- fancy98
27- fancy99
28- fancy100
29- fancy101
30- fancy102
31- fancy103
32- fancy104
33- fancy105
34- fancy106
35- fancy107
43 new 1-line art added
1- fish6
2- loch ness monster
3- mouse5
4- mouse6
5- mouse7
6- sheep
7- pie fight
8- rose5
9- rose6
10- rose7
11- concerned
12- happy4
13- happy5
14- coffee2
15- coffee3
16- coffee4
17- headphone3
18- carpet roll
19- infinity
20- computer mouse
21- volcano1
22- volcano2
23- volcano3
24- squigle with spirals
25- palm tree
26- crotch shot
27- vagina
28- stealth fighter
29- tent1
30- tent2
31- power lines
32- tree stump
33- hammer
34- arrow2
35- sword10
36- fish skeleton2
37- fork
38- pipe
39- dead guy
40- dead girl
41- dead child
42- dude glasses1
43- dude glasses2
1-line art renamed to coffee1
1-line art renamed to arrow1
fish skeleton
1-line art renamed to fish skeleton1
You can’t perform that action at this time.