Added support for taking a string/value from nested objects for valueProperty, textProperty and visibleProperties (thks @sylvainblot )
Allow to customize the parameter name 'contain' that goes to the server (@lucaslm )
Added 'params' option to also be a callback function that allows the customization of the parameters (@lucaslm )
Added event 'empty:flexdatalist.results' (@fuzzywalrus )
Added event 'item:flexdatalist.results' to allow for personalization of the item result
Prevent form submit when adding value from enter key
Added isArray() polyfill
Removed deprecated jQuery methods to trigger/listen to events
Added 'requestHeaders' option (thks @ozgurg )
Fixed value duplication bug (#118 ) for multiple mode
Fix unescaped string in regex processing, on the highlight function (thks @antunesl )
Fix when handling the value limit
Fix for when array values are mixed with JSON object and simple strings
Fix when toggling values
Improved accessibility (WIP)
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