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External APIs

Abhishek Singh edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 1 revision

You can setup these additional services as well.

These are optional for initial setup. This list will keep growing. Feel free to add your own.

Creating your own Wakeword:

  1. Repeat all the steps in Setup Wakeword, except for Step 3 & Step 4.
  2. Instead click on the “Create Hotword” button and record your own custom wakeword
  3. Remember to change the wakeword key in /app/config/config-dev.js to match your custom wakeword
  4. P.S If using your own custom keyword, please follow the above steps and record for Peeqo as well so we can have a general model which needs 500 samples from different people.

Vlipsy Api - For Video responses:

  1. For video responses, Peeqo uses
  2. Vlipsy has no public api key. You can request one by emailing [email protected]. You can mention you need it for Peeqo.
  3. Enter this key in /app/config/config.js -> vlipsy.key

Giphy Api - For GIF responses:

  1. For gif responses, Peeqo uses Giphy has a public api key included in the app which is ready to use.
  2. You can get your own private api key by visiting and requesting for one for free

Setup Weather Api:

  1. Peeqo uses openweather api for weather updates
  2. You can get a free api key by going to
  3. Enter this key app/config/config-dev.js -> openweather.key

Spotify Api - For music playback:

  1. You will need a client_id & client_secret to access spotify
  2. Go to
  3. Sign in with your Spotify account
  4. Create a new app by clicking “My New App”
  5. Go through the steps to get a client_id & client_secret
  6. Copy and paste these in app/js/config/config-dev.js under spotify.clientId, spotify.clientSecret
  7. Note: for non-premium users, I think spotify only provides 30 sec samples through the api