A documented and clean collection of typescript code for composability and re-use. Created and maintained by Doctor Sheun Aluko, MD-MS.
The holy grail of typescript development lies before you. The Tidyscripts monorepo leverages npm workspaces, vercel and nextjs, and turbo repo to deliver a powerhouse developer experience in a tiny package. At the core is the tidyscripts_common package, which is imported by the tidyscripts_node and tidyscripts_web packages. These, in turn, are imported by the tidyscripts nextjs application, which is deployed on vercel to a global edge computing network. This provides unprecedented full stack typescript library and application development, distribution, and deployment.
Tidyscripts includes libraries for cryptography, functional programming, graphing, financial/cryptocurrency analysis, and much more.
For import into react project or other website.
In your project directory simply run:
npm install tidyscripts_web
For import by node process.
In your project directory simply run:
npm install tidyscripts_node
npx typedoc
npm run build
./bin/sync COMMIT_MSG
Twitter - @shayaluko
Instagram - @sheunaluko
Linked In - sheun-aluko