1.2.1 (2015-07-22)
- smoothLivePreview: fix weird effects due to parsing incomplete input (62ba3733)
- subParsers/githubCodeBlock: add extra language class to conform to html5 spec (b7f5e32)
Bug Fixes
- tables:
- italicsAndBold:
fix broken em/strong tags when used with literalMidWordUnderscores (7ee2017)
When literalMidWordUnderscoresis set to true, em and strong tags that start or end a paragraph don't get parsed as such.
This fixes this issue.Closes #174
fix underscores not being correctly parsed when used in conjunction with literalMidWordsUnderscores option (c9e85f1)
- codeSpans: Fix issue with code html tags not being correctly escaped (5f043ca)
- images: fix alt attribute not being escaped correctly (542194e)