This playbook tests if the sros_config module is working as expected. All possible modules for SROS:
Use cases tested in this demo playbook:
- Create config backup
- Set system name
- Get number of linecards
- Configure customer and VLAN
- Load config from file
First adjust the vars.yml
and add the credentials for the device.
Run the playbooK:
ansible-playbook main.yml --diff --check
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags demo::command --diff --check
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags demo::rollback --diff --check
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags demo::config:details --diff --check
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags demo::config:single --diff --check
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags demo::config:loop --diff --check
ansible-playbook main.yml --tags demo::config:file --diff --check
Following things are required to test to met the expectation of this modules:
What is the output if:
is used? -
--check --diff
is used? - Runtime measurements
- Not used for configuration! Use the next module!
- Show version of device
- Show version and port details of device
- Run a single command to gather information/facts for further processing (number of linecards)
- Create rollback location
- Remove rollback location
- Used to configure the device
- Use backup feature to create dump of running-config
- Print system details
- Adjust system name
- Create customer and VLAN (single + loop)
- Add second customer and VLAN with a prepared config file
Expected result: Two customers (ID 42 & 43) with a single MGMT VLAN
Raw Commands for config module test:
configure service customer 3420 description "Customer_42"
configure service vpls 3420 customer 3420 create
configure service vpls 3420 description 42_MGMT
configure service vpls 3420 sap lag-1:3420 create
configure service vpls 3420 sap lt:1/1/1:3420 create
configure service vpls 3420 no shutdown
configure vlan id 3420 mode residential-bridge name 42_MGMT new-broadcast enable new-secure-fwd enable ipv6-mcast-ctrl
configure vlan id 3420 dhcp-opt82-ext enable circuit-id-dhcp physical-id remote-id-dhcp customer-id