- Indianapolis, IN, USA
- 5h behind - https://simplenotsimpler.com
- in/simplenotsimpler
A self-contained tool to facilitate the organized documentation of tech support issues.
Express proxy API backend for SNS React front-end. Fetches data from GitHub and MongoDB Data API.
Updated design and converted previous portfolio site to a React-based front-end with a separate Node.js/Express.js proxy API backend.
JavaScript ES6 library that displays table JSON data nicely within a Bootstrap 4 Card.
Coded a Bootstrap static landing page for internal customer, Brickyard Ceramics and Crafts. Utilized Semantic HTML and CSS.
Next.js / React.js CRUD application with Firestore backend. Responsive design.
A PowerShell 7+ script which deploys a local Ubuntu VirtualBox virtual machine using a cloud-init autoinstall config file and Packer.
A PowerShell 7+ script which invokes packer build using a packer JSON file with a virtualbox-iso builder to create a local VirtualBox virtual machine.
A PowerShell 7+ script which creates a cloud-init config files from a user JSON file for an Ubuntu automated installation.
A PowerShell 7+ script which creates a new Packer JSON file to build a local VirtualBox Ubuntu machine by merging parameters into the Packer file. This eliminates the need to use the -var-file option.
Sample themable JavaScript dashboard template that employs modern ES6, Bootstrap 4 and CSS grid. Uses color-blind friendly theme.
format-intl-number Libary - provides convenient defaults for Intl.NumberFormat