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Identifying web Attacks Through logs

In this we gonna learn following topics together:-

  1. WebApplication Architecture
  2. Web Server Logs Review
  3. Tips and common issues
  4. Web Application Attacks Review
  5. Vulnerability Scans
  6. Brute Force Attacks
  7. SQL Injection
  8. File Inclusion
  9. XSS:Cross-site Scripting
  10. CSRF: Cross-Site Request Forgery
  11. Other Log sources

#1. Web Application Architecture

So here comes the Question What is WebApp?

Answer :- According to the wiki, "In Computing, a web application or web app is a client-server computer program which the client(including the user interface and client-side logic) runs in a web browser"

For example :- Static Webpage:---> Provides information Dynamic Webpage:--> Provides information and features

 Usualluy Dynamic server are controlled by the Application server !          

Let's understand afew basics once again :-

Internet :-

A huge network composed of many smaller networks.

WWW :-

World Wide Web - A specific portion of the Internet knwon as the "WEB " is a protocol

HTML :- Hyper Text Markup Language

Default Language to build web pages and web applications

Basic Web Application Architecture

uses a

  • client server Model
  • Client makes a request and server answers the request
  • And the porotocol is "http/https"

The client(web browsers) talks with the web server which is none other than Presentation Layer and Web server talks with the Application server Middle/Business and Application server gonna connect with the Database server Data Access

Important Note

Clients can't talk directly with Application or Database servers never ever.They can only talk with the Web Server

Web Clients

Web Clients are also know as User Agents responsible for the followings :-

  • Sending requests to servers
  • Web Browsers / Web crawlers
  • Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome
  • ncat, telenet,curl,wget,programming languages..

image Usecase of Telnet command

wget can be considered as the text based web browser.It will send a request.

Web Servers

Spoiler Alerts :- Apache and Ngix logs looks like almost the same, but Microsoft IIS have different log structures.

www uses the protocol HTTP to transmit message through computer networks. It uses the client-server model to operate. Mozilla Firefox,Google chrome, and Microsoft Edge are examples of web Browsers.They are programs that send requests to web servers like APache,Ngix and Microsoft IIS.

GET is an example of a HTTP method and 200 is an example of a HTTP status code.


Why TCP is known as connection orientation while UDP is called connectionless?

Since there are 3 ways handshakes in TCP but UDP directly sends tha packets so.

HTTP Review:-

  • HTTP - HyperText Transfer Protocol

what does meaning of a protocol?

In Telecommunication, a communication protocol is a system of rules that allow two or more entities of a communications system to transmit information via any kind of variation of a physical quantity.

What is HTTP methods:-

GET :- Transfer a current representation of the target resource. Safe

HEAD :- Same as GET, but only transfer the satus the line and header section.

POST :- Perform resource-spacific processing on the request payload

PUT :- Replace all current representations of the target resource with the request payload.

DELETE:- Remove all current representations of the target resouces

CONNECT:- Establish a tunnel to the server identified by the target resource

OPTIONS:- Describe the communication options for the target resource.

TRACE:- Perform a message loop-back test along the path.

Response Status code

1xx ----> Informational ----> The request was received,continuing process

2xx ----> Successful ----> The request was successfully received,understood,and accepted

3xx -----> Redirection -----> Further action needs to be taken in order to complete the request

4xx ----> Client Error ----> The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled

5xx ----> Server Error ----> The server Failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.

A few common HTTP request :-

200 :- ok

301:- Moved Permanently

302 :- Found

304 :- Not Modified

400 :- Bad Request

401 :- Unauthorised

403 :- Forbidden

404 : - Not Found

500 :- Internal Server Error

502 :- Bad Gateway

503 :- Service Unavaiable

Network,Protocols and HTTP

  • HTTP uses top layers of OSI and TCP/IP Model
  • Normally HTTP uses TCP,but it can be transferred via UDP
  • Deafult HTTP TCP port is 80
  • HTTPS uses encryption to transfer the HTTP traffic. The S stands for secure.
  • HTTPS TCP port is 443.

HTTP(s) communication starts after TCP 3-way handshake!!

Web server will only log the HTTP(s) requests.

Question : If someone shows to you the packet capture below and asks for the web server logs. How many lines will you find in the log file for the communication below?

Answer :- 1 Line

because HTTP communication starts after the TCP 3-way handshake!!

Web server Logs

What is LOGs:- A full written record of a journey, a period of time or an event.

Importance of LOGS:-

  • Logs are one way to monitor your infrastructure and applications
  • They contain lots of information about your application that can help when troubleshooting issues.
  • Enable you to keep track of what happened when conducting investigations
  • Example of logs : bank statement, phone bill etc.
  • OWASP top 10 project listed lack of logging & Monitoring as a vulnerability.

Logs and Logging

  • Local Logs :- Good for small infrastructure, easy to deploy

  • Remote/Syslog :- Central Log management,easier to manage various log sources.There are lots of syslog applications available.

Web Application/Server Log

A full written record of an event

  • Web Server logs run web application - The log need to tell us at least:

  • Who did the action ?

  • When did the action take place?

  • What action was performed?

Hyphen means information not available

If you already have logs now what to do ?

Answer :- We need always to put these three questions :-

  • Who : source Ip and Client IP userid
  • When : When Method + Requested File HTTP status code
  • What : HTTP Referer User Agent

Web Server Logging -Key Info

  • Source IP /Client IP :- The source of the request that arrived in the web server

  • UserID :- If the page requests an authentication, the user who is logged in will be shown in the field.

  • Date/Time :- The Date and the TIme that the request arrived on the web server- always check the time zone

  • Method + Requested File :- The Request made by the client

  • HTTP status code :- The code generated by the web server and sent to the client to tell them what happened.

  • HTTP Referer :- The page the client was at when the requested was executed.

  • User Agent :- The Web client that sent the request.

Web server logging- Apache

Apache is an open source webserver maintained by the Apache Foundation.

Default log location:

Linux - /var/log/www/access.log

windows- /Install_Folder/logs/access.log

There are some pre-made apache installations like XAMP.

Default configuration includes logging

httpd.conf contains the logging configuration for linux and windows systems

Web Server logging- NGIX

Deafult log location :

Linux - /var/log/nginx/access.log

Windows -/

  • Default configuration includes logging.

ngix.conf contains the logging configuration for linux and Windows.

More information:

Web server logging - Microsoft IIS Server

  • Default log Location:

Windows - %SystemDrive%\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1*.log

  • Default configuration includes logging.

All configuration is made on Internet Information Servcies(IIS) Manager

IIS log File will display the fields configured when it begins, here an example


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