API to search and store housing information
{ Id: , sqft: 1000, images: [ “https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/519XvHWeb9S.AC_UY327_FMwebp_QL65.jpg”, “https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/519XvHWeb9S.AC_UY327_FMwebp_QL65.jpg”, “https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/519XvHWeb9S.AC_UY327_FMwebp_QL65.jpg”, ], _geoloc: { "lat": 40.639751, "lng": -73.778925 }, address: “1529 Sunshine Boulevard”, city: “Toronto”, Beds: 3, Baths: 2 }
PurchaseHistory { home_id: , askingPrice: 650000, soldPrice: 700000, startDate: , endDate: }
Request GET api/homes?query=location
Response [ Home, Home, ]
Request GET api/homes?query=address
Response [ Home, Home, ]
Request GET api/homes?query=address
Response [ Home, Home, ]
Request GET api/homes?query=address
Response [ Home, Home, ]