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Obit Docker build

Docker files for building AIPS and Obit on Ubuntu xenial. Both production (Dockerfile) and development ( containers are available. The production container contains Obit installed under the kat user's directory and runs python code and Obit executables as the kat user.

The development container extends the production container by installing AIPS under the kat user's directory, in addition to a VNC server. In contrast to the production container, it runs code as root. This allows developers to (easily) mount read/write docker volumes.


You'll need some docker infrastructure:

  • The docker-base-build and docker-base-runtime docker images available in the SDP docker registry. docker-base-gpu-build/docker-base-gpu-runtime may also be useful to build Obit with GPU acceleration.
  • Docker Ubuntu installation instructions.
  • docker-compose. pip install docker-compose.


The following builds the production and development docker containers. Inspect the docker-compose.yml and Dockerfile's for further insight.

# docker-compose build katacomb
# docker-compose build katacomb-dev

Docker Mounts

To persist AIPS and FITS disks between container runs, the first AIPS disk and the single FITS area are mounted on the docker host via the following specification in docker-compose.yml:

  - $HOME/.local/katacomb/aipsmounts/AIPS:/home/kat/AIPS/DATA/LOCALHOST_1:rw
  - $HOME/.local/katacomb/aipsmounts/FITS:/home/kat/AIPS/FITS:rw

Important points to note:

  • Production container mounts will need to have the same permission as the kat user.
  • The development container runs as root, so developers can aggressively mount writeable volumes, with all the security implications thereof.
  • AIPS/Obit observation files consume large quantities of disk space.
  • The mount points inside the container should match the configuration discussed in AIPS Disk Setup.

It's useful to mount the KAT archives and other volumes within these containers. Edit docker-compose.yml to mount KAT NFS archive2 within the container, for example.

  - /var/kat/archive2:/var/kat/archive2:ro


# docker-compose run --rm katacomb-dev

Access the VNC Server

You may find it useful to run ObitView and AIPS TV utilities from inside the container. A VNC server is started inside the container and exposed on port 5901 on the loopback localhost interface of the docker host. This means that you'll need to forward the above port when SSHing into the docker host in order to access the VNC server. This can be done as follows in your .ssh/config file.

Host com4
    Hostname dockerhost
    ForwardX11 yes
    LocalForward 5901 localhost:5901

Then, on your local machine, you should direct your VNC client to localhost:5901 to direct your VNC traffic through the tunnel to the server inside the container.

Run Continuum Imaging Pipeline

The script runs the Continuum Pipeline.

$ --help
$ /var/kat/archive2/data/MeerKATAR1/telescope_products/2017/07/15/1500148809.h5

Any resulting images will be stored in AIPS disks described in AIPS Disk Setup.

See Bill Cotton's Continuum Imaging Pipeline Parameters for details on suitable parameters for running the pipeline.

Inspecting , Viewing and Exporting data in ObitTalk

Obit has a number of python utilities for inspecting, viewing and exporting AIPS data.

Start ObitView in an X11 terminal to start the Obit Image viewer.

$ ObitView

Then, in another terminal start ObitTalk, which interacts with AIPS disk data.

$ ObitTalk

ObitTalk starts a python terminal that can inspect AIPS disk data and interact with ObitView.

AIPS disk data can briefly be subdivided into UV and Image data. This data can be viewed with the AUcat and AMcat commands.

For example, the following code,

  • lists all the AIPS images on disk 1
  • Creates a python object associated with the Mimosa image
  • Writes the image as IMAGE.FITS on FITS disk 1
>>> AMcat(1)
AIPS Directory listing for disk 1
  2 Merope      .IClean.    1 MA 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
  5 Kaus Austral.IClean.    1 MA 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
  7 Mimosa      .IClean.    1 MA 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
  9 Rukbat      .IClean.    1 MA 08-Feb-2018 11:56:19
 11 Sirrah      .IClean.    1 MA 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52

>>> x = getname(7)

>>> err = OErr.OErr()
>>> imtab(x, "IMAGE.FITS", 1, err)
<C Image instance> FITS Image DATA>

Then, it is also possible to display the image in ObitView through the tvlod command.

>>> tvlod(x)

AIPS UV data can be inspected via the imhead command:

>>> AUcat(1)
AIPS Directory listing for disk 1
  1 Merope      .MFImag.    1 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
  3 mock        .merge .    1 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:53
  4 Kaus Austral.MFImag.    1 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
  6 Mimosa      .MFImag.    1 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
  8 Rukbat      .MFImag.    1 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
 10 Sirrah      .MFImag.    1 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:52
 13 mock        .merge .    2 UV 08-Feb-2018 11:55:53

>>> imhead(getname(3))
AIPS UV mock         merge  1 1
AIPS UV Data Name: mock         Class: merge  seq:        1 disk:    1
Object: MULTI
Observed: 2018-02-08 Telescope:  MeerKAT  Created: 2018-02-08
Observer: ghost      Instrument: MeerKAT
 # visibilities       1430  Sort order = TB
           SOURCE   INTTIM
Type    Pixels   Coord value     at Pixel     Coord incr   Rotat
COMPLEX      3               1       1.00              1    0.00
STOKES       2      XPol             1.00             -1    0.00
FREQ         2      1.0432e+09       1.00       4.28e+08    0.00
IF           1               1       1.00              1    0.00
RA           1   0  0  0.00000       1.00              0    0.00
DEC          1 -00  0  0.0000        1.00              0    0.00
Coordinate equinox 2000.0  Coordinate epoch 2000.00
Observed RA    0  0  0.00000 Observed Dec -00  0  0.0000
Rest freq            0 Vel type: Observer,  wrt  Optical
Alt ref value            0  wrt pixel     0.88
Maximum version number of AIPS FQ tables is 1
Maximum version number of AIPS SU tables is 1
Maximum version number of AIPS PS tables is 1
Maximum version number of AIPS AN tables is 1
Maximum version number of AIPS CL tables is 1
Maximum version number of AIPS NX tables is 1

Export katdal observation

The script exports a katdal observation to a UV data file on an AIPS disk.

$ --help
$ /var/kat/archive2/data/MeerKATAR1/telescope_products/2017/07/15/1500148809.h5


Run AIPS to view the observation. Remember to enter 105 when asked to enter your user number. You should see something like the following:

# aips da=all notv tvok tpok
START_AIPS: Your initial AIPS printer is the
START_AIPS:  - system name , AIPS type

START_AIPS: User data area assignments:
DADEVS.PL: This program is untested under Perl version 5.022
  (Using global default file /home/kat/AIPS/DA00/DADEVS.LIST for DADEVS.PL)
   Disk 1 (1) is /home/kat/AIPS/DATA/LOCALHOST_1
   Disk 2 (2) is /home/kat/AIPS/DATA/LOCALHOST_2

Tape assignments:
   Tape 1 is REMOTE
   Tape 2 is REMOTE

START_AIPS: Assuming TV servers are already started (you said TVOK)
START_AIPS: Assuming TPMON daemons are running or not used (you said TPOK)
Starting up 31DEC16 AIPS with normal priority
Begin the one true AIPS number 1 (release of 31DEC16) at priority =   0
AIPS 1: You are NOT assigned a TV device or server
AIPS 1: You are NOT assigned a graphics device or server
AIPS 1: Enter user ID number
AIPS 1:                          31DEC16 AIPS:
AIPS 1:      Copyright (C) 1995-2017 Associated Universities, Inc.
AIPS 1:            AIPS comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
AIPS 1:                 for details, type HELP GNUGPL
AIPS 1: This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
AIPS 1: under certain conditions; type EXPLAIN GNUGPL for details.
AIPS 1: Previous session command-line history recovered.
AIPS 1: TAB-key completions enabled, type HELP READLINE for details.
AIPS 1: Recovered POPS environment from last exit

Then, type UCAT to view and MCAT to list UV data and images on the AIPS disks, respectively:

AIPS 1: Catalog on disk  1
AIPS 1:   Cat  Usid Mapname      Class   Seq  Pt    Last access     Stat
AIPS 1:     1   105 1500148809  .raw   .    1 UV 22-AUG-17 16:58:43
AIPS 1: Catalog on disk  2
AIPS 1:   Cat  Usid Mapname      Class   Seq  Pt    Last access     Stat

Then, exit AIPS


Image observation with MFImage

Once an observation has been exported to a UV data file on an AIPS disk, we can run MFImage to image the observation. A number of standard configuration files for this in /obitconf. Edit to specify the AIPS file parameters for the observation above and the run MFImage using the configuration file.

/obitconf $ MFImage -input &
/obitconf $ tail -f IMAGE.log

Export AIPS CLEAN image to FITS

Run AIPS and look for the CLEAN image with the MCAT command. Then, run the FITTP task to export the CLEAN image from the AIPS disk to the FITS disk.

AIPS Disk Setup

AIPS has its own concept of a filesystem: an AIPS disk. It can simply be regarded as a standard unix subdirectory containing visibility, table and image files following an AIPS naming and indexing scheme. Multiple AIPS disks can be present on the system.

Obit does not require an AIPS installation to run, faking AIPS disks and FITS areas, but to run AIPS tasks on Obit data, it is useful for these to be equivalent.

Furthermore, it is useful to mount AIPS disks as subdirectories on the docker host so that data persists between container runs.

For this functionality to be available, the disk setup for all three pieces of software should be similarly configured. The ultimate authority for AIPS disk configuration is the lies within the katsdpcontim configuration and the docker mounts in "docker-compose.yml" should also be based on this configuration.

AIPS Disks

The Dockerfile installs AIPS into /home/kat/AIPS. AIPS disks are usually present in the DATA sub-directory of the AIPS installation and /home/kat/AIPS/DATA/LOCALHOST_1 is the first AIPS disk by default.

However, AIPS disks can live in any subdirectory and can be configured by editing:

  • /home/kat/AIPS/DA00/DADEVS.LIST
  • /home/kat/AIPS/DA00/NETSP

AIPS also has a separate FITS area in which normal FITS files are stored, and /home/kat/AIPS/FITS is this area by default.

Obit Disks

The Dockerfile installs Obit into /home/kat/Obit. Obit fakes AIPS disks and FITS areas by calls to OSystem.OSystem. It should also be noted that Obit requires files in the /home/kat/Obit/ObitSystem/Obit/share/data/ directory to be present in a FITS area, source catalogues being the most obvious example.

In order to run AIPS tasks on Obit output it is useful make these disks/areas equivalent to those of the AIPS installation. This is achieved by running the script which:

  • modifies DADEVS.LIST and NETSP in the AIPS installation.
  • Creates soft links in the Obit data directory into the FITS area.

Running the Production Container

The script will need some scratch space mounted for writing log files from the Obit tasks MFImage and UVBLAvg and for creating a temporary AIPS disk area. A typical 1K channel, 12hr, 64 antenna observation will need no more than approximately 200GB of space for storing the UV data in AIPS disk format and for temporary facet images. The location of this scratch space is specified when running via the -w parameter. An AIPS disk will be created in this space with name <CB_ID>_aipsdisk. Log files will be written here as well with name <CB_ID>_<taskname>.log. Ideally the scratch space should be mounted into the container from an external disk area so that the logfiles can be monitored wile the script is running. Any external area will have to have write permission for the kat user.

There are config files for baseline dependant averaging (uvblavg.yaml) and imaging (mfimage.yaml), which contain default parameters to be passed to these tasks during script execution. The files are stored inside the container in the /obitconf directory and by default will be read from there. This location can be overridden by supplying a --config parameter (ie. /scratch) to tell the script where to look for the files at run time.

Default parameters for MFImage and UVBLAvg as well as a user defined statement can be overridden via the command line arguments --uvblavg, --mfimage and --select. Use --help for instructions on how to use these.

Output CLEAN component models and self-calibration solutions are written to telstate. To specify a telstate address to write to use the --telstate option. The user may need to expose the relevant ports as well when running the docker container. will take any mvf format object that can be opened via the method.

An example of running the production container that works on imgr_com_3 is below. This mounts external NVMe space into the container as /scratch and tells the script to make its AIPS disk area and place its log files there. The script will be run on a .rdb file which is copied to the /scratch1 area prior to running the container. The --select option is used to chop the first and last 5 per-cent of the channels and only select tracks and cross correlations. The --uvblavg option is used to average the data down to 1024 channels from the 4096 in the dataset.

$ docker run --runtime=nvidia -v /scratch1:/scratch \ /scratch/1533675778_sdp_l0.rdb -w /scratch \
  --select "scans='track'; corrprods='cross'; channels=slice(205,3892)" \
  --uvblavg "avgFreq=1; chAvg=4"

Running the Development Container

The dev container has AIPS installed. If you would like to run AIPS with the TV make sure you add --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" to your docker run -it command. This will ensure X forwarding and displays are set up correctly inside the container. Running AIPS with the option tv=local should give you the AIPS TV in an xterm window.

Bill Cotton's Continuum Imaging Pipeline Parameters

Here are the notes on the Phoenix field self calibration/continuum subtraction

Did various imagings using MFImage

  • Seq 1, 15 sec SI, ch avg to 512 chan, 0.734 of sc solutions OK FOV = 1.2, peak ~ 39 mJy, sum ~ 0.638 Jy
  • Seq 2, 60 sec SI, FOV=1.2 (512 ch/IF), 0.805 of sc solutions OK
  • Seq 3, 120 sec SI FOV=1.2 (512 ch/IF)
  • Seq 4, 120 sec SI, BLFOV = 1.0 (456 ch/IF) 5080 Real
  • Seq 5, 120 sec SI, BLFOV = 0.6 (256 ch/IF) 3001 Real

Imager IF 6, channels 900-923 (1.4145 - 1.4151 GHz)

seq Cont Rms Size GB SI(s) ch/IF ch6* ch12* ch18*
1 56.6 u 2.97 15 512 2.91 2.61 2.84
2 58.2 2.46 60 512 2.91 2.61 2.84
3 58.5 2.38 120 512 2.91 2.61 2.83
4 58.9 1.91 120 456 2.91 2.61 2.83
5 58.7 0.89 120 256 2.91 2.66 2.83
  • 26 kHz channel RMS mJy, number in the 24 imaged.


A test suite exists, but must be executed inside the container:

$ nosetests /home/kat/src/katacomb


MeerKAT SDP Continuum Pipeline








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