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Radio Astronomy tutorials

Various IPython notebook based lecture notes and tutorials developed at SKA SA.

Static versions of the notebooks can be accessed using nbviewer, for the full SKA SA tutorial repository here.

(0) Introduction to the notebook
Short introduction to using the ipython notebook.

(1) Introduction to Radio Astronomy (~3 hour tutorial)
Introduction to Radio Astronomy using data from the KAT-7 radio telescope.

(2) Radio Astronomy honours/graduate course (semester long)
This lecture material and these tutorials were used in the NASSP honours course in Radio Astronomy. The course broadly follows the NRAO Essential Radio Astronomy course.

(3) Interferometry workshop
Notebook material from a week long Radio Interferometry workshop, first developed for the 2015 NWU Radio Interferometry Winter School.

(4) HartRAO Spectral Line
Python tutorials on reducing methanol maser monitoring data from HartRAO. A two week course given at the Ghana Space Science and Technology Institute (GSSTI) as part of the Royal Society radio astronomy capacity building program in Ghana.

(5) Machine Learning
Introduction to some basic machine learning notebooks.

##Building your own docker container with the tutorials## This requires you to have a docker engine system running on your localhost

Once you have cloned this repository locally with:

git clone

build the image with:

docker build -t tuts .

Note: If you are having build issues that report 'unable to resolve' or similar errors, try the following build command instead:

docker build -t tuts --network=host .

run the container with:

docker run -d -p 8888:8888 tuts --NotebookApp.token=''

you should now be able to access the notebooks from http://localhost:8888

This will run the notebook without any authentication. For more detail on this see Jupyter Docker Stacks


IPython notebooks on various topics






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