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SkyCiv App Template

What Is This?

This is a template project to create a SkyCiv app for S3D.

Getting Started

  1. To get started, clone this repo and remove the existing git files.
git clone

# Change directory into the project
cd sc-app-template

# Remove existing git file and reinitialize.
rm -rf .git
git init

# Install dependencies
npm i
  1. Rename the project folder to something suitable.

  2. Open the project in a code editor and edit the app.config.json file. You can also import your functions into events.config.js and place them inside any events triggered by S3D. See the example inside the onInit() function - it calls the function onAppLaunch().

  3. Edit public/index.html and src/styles.css as required. Avoid editing index.js unless you are an experienced developer.

  4. Start coding inside app.js. Some template folders have been created to help organise your code: handlers, lib, scripts, utils.

To make your functions available across files, use import syntax



export function onAppLaunch() {
	console.log("App has been launched.")

Now we can import this function in another file and webpack will handle the rest with the npm run build command


import {onAppLaunch} from './'

// Invoke the function


Run the following command to build your project.

npm run build

This will create dist/bundle.js. Copy the code inside this file and past it into the browser console on SkyCiv Structural 3D.

The app will then be available in the drop down menu.

Config Variables

The following definitions apply for app.config.json:

Key Type Description
id string File name of your model.
name string Path in your cloud file storage.
content string HTML string of what should be displayed in the app.
width string Optional width setting for app window.
height string Optional height setting for app window.
icon_img string URL of image to be used.
icon_img_square string URL of image to be used within the app header.
draggable bool Is the app window draggable. True by default.
resizable bool Can user resize window? Used alongside resizeableFunction to update.
help_url string URL of documentation or help page.

Config Events

The following definitions apply for events.config.json:

Key Type Description
onInit function Function which runs when the page loads the app.
resizeableFunction function Function which runs when the app window is resized.
onFirstOpen function Runs when the app is open for the first time.
onSoftwareUpdate function Function to run after changes are made to your model in S3D. E.g. Bill of Materials App re-calculates cost when a member is added/deleted.
beforeShow function Before the app is shown, run this function.
aferShow function After the app is shown, run this function.
beforeHide function Before the app is hidden, run this function.
aferHide function After the app is hidden, run this function.


A template project for creating a SkyCiv App.







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