The project is a super simple API done in phalcon and an ember.js frontend app.
The model is just one table of candidates
with name and age.
The API has implemented the GET /api/applicants.
On the client side there is only one route, /candidates that uses the API to show a list of candidates.
node 12
npm 7
This will run the php app and a mariadb database, the php app runs in port 8080
cd server
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec php php composer.phar install
docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/phinx migrate
docker-compose exec php vendor/bin/phinx seed:run
You will be able to see a couple of records in the db and in this url http://localhost:8080/api/applicants
This will run the ember app, the front end run in port 4200, and proxy the api requests
cd client
npm install
npm start
You will be able to see the app running in the browser with http://localhost:4200/
What you need to do, is implement the add new candidate from the front end and backend.
from the front end, you need to create a form with name and age using the built in components
from the @action defined in app/controllers/candidates.js you can use the variables to create a new applicant record using and then save it.
On the back end, you need to implement $app->post('/api/applicants', function () use ($app) {});
that will receive the data
in json:api format