- Unzip archive smssendver.zip in wp-content/plugins/
- In the section plugins find /SMS OTP for SmsGateWay24/ and Press /Activate/
- In the section /Settigns/ find /SmsGateWay24 Plugin/ - This is the admin panel for the general settings of the plugin SmsGateWay24
- Use shorcode [smsgateway24/]
- Go to /Plugins/.
- Press section /add new/
- Press button /upload plugin/
- Press button /Browse.../
- Upload archive smssendver.zip
- Press button /Activate/
- In the section /Settigns/ find /SmsGateWay24 Plugin/ - This is the admin panel for the general settings of the plugin SmsGateWay24
- Use shorcode [smsgateway24/]