R-Ladies Urmia talk | 🎥 Meetup recording
In 2024, the theme for the challenge is organized around the colors of the Pan African flag: Challenges 1-3: red, Challenges 4-6: black, Challenges 7-9: green, Challenge 10: a combination. The goal of the challenge is to celebrate the data viz legacy of W.E.B Du Bois—a Black American civil rights activist, sociologist and writer—by recreating the visualizations from the 1900 Paris Exposition using modern tools. Visit Github for full details of each week’s challenge, including the 1900 original plates and the corresponding dataset.
- challenge01: Negro Population of Georgia by Counties, 1870, 1880 (plate 06), February 5
- challenge02: Slave and Free Negroes (plate 12), February 12
- challenge05: Race Amalgamation in Georgia (plate 13), March 4
challenge07: Illiteracy of the American Negro compared with other nations (plate 47), March 18
challenge08: The Rise of Negroes from Slavery to Freedom in One Generation (plate 50), March 25
challenge09: Proportion of Freemen and Slaves (plate 51), April 1
- challenge10: A Series Of Statistical Charts Illustrating The Conditions Of Descendants Of Formal African Slaves Now Resident In The Unites States (plate 37), April 8