A live version of this demo is hosted at: wallet-demo.sodot.dev
This project demonstrates how to create a web-based wallet application utilzing MPC and Passkeys (or Google Login). The project uses the Sodot MPC SDK and Vertex as its key management infrastructure. The application allows users to generate keys, sign Ethereum transactions, and manage their wallet securely. It leverages Next.js and integrates with the Vertex and SDK products for key management and transaction signing.
The aim of this project is to provide a reference implementation for users of Sodot MPC Infrastructure that wish to implement their own "Sign-in with Google" or "Sign-in with Passkeys" onboarding experience for their self-custodial wallets.
The project is structured as follows:
- Built with Next.js, a React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation.
- Utilizes Mantine for UI components and styling.
- Implements authentication using Google OAuth and Passkeys.
- Uses Next.js API routes for server-side logic.
- Integrates with Prisma for database management.
- Handles key generation and management using the Sodot Vertex (an MPC signer server).
- Managed with Prisma and SQLite.
- Stores user information and metadata.
Key Management and Signing
Sodot MPC SDK is used for key generation and MPC signing on the client side.
Sodot MPC Vertex is used for secure key share storage and MPC signing on the server side.
2 out of 2 Signing - 1 share with the SDK on the client side and 1 share with the Vertex on the server side.
The project shows utizing either Google or Passkeys for user authorization and client key share backup.
Google: This method uses Google Drive to store the backup of the client's shares. The shares are uploaded to the user's Google Drive account, ensuring that they can be recovered if needed. Additionally, the Google login session is used to authenticate the user.
Passkeys: This method uses Passkeys to encrypt and store the backup of the client share. The encrypted share is stored on the server, and the Passkey is used to decrypt them in-memory on the client side when needed. The encryption prevents the server from accessing the client share. The Passkeys are also used as the authentication method.
First, define a .env file as shown in Step 2 of the guide below.
Then, run:
npm run db::init
(only required before the first run of the webapp)
npm run dev
In case you wish to run the webapp as a docker image, we provide a Dockerfile that you can use with the following arguments:
(Note: You should delete the prisma/dev.db
file before building the image)
docker build \
--build-arg "NPM_TOKEN=..." \
--build-arg "SERVER_API_KEY=..." \
--build-arg "VERTEX_URL=..." \
--build-arg "JWT_SECRET_KEY=..." \
--build-arg "RP_ID=..." \
--build-arg "RP_NAME=..." \
--build-arg "ORIGIN=..." \
--build-arg "DATABASE_URL=..." \
--build-arg "ETH_NET_URL=..." \
-t wallet-demo .
Replace the "..." with the corresponding values from your .env file.
You may also need to add the --platform linux/amd64 flag for deployment.
For this project, you will need to set some environment variables.
We recommend creating a .env
file at the root of your project. The .env
file should contain the following variables:
# Token to access the Sodot Web SDK
NPM_TOKEN=<your sodot sdk npm token>
# Sodot Vertex API key
SERVER_API_KEY=<your vertex server api key>
# Sodot Vertex URL
VERTEX_URL=<your vertex url (e.g. vertex-demo-0.sodot.dev)>
# JWT secret key for user authentication against the server
JWT_SECRET_KEY=<jwt secret key for user authentication against the server (e.g. "s3Cr3t78139381!")>
# For passkey sign-in and registration
RP_ID=<set to "localhost" locally or your domain in production (without "https://")>
# For passkey registration
RP_NAME=<choose desired name (e.g Wallet-Demo) >
# For passkey registration and sign-in
ORIGIN=<set to "http://localhost:3000" locally or your domain in production (with "https://")>
# Database URL for Prisma (e.g., file:./dev.db)
DATABASE_URL=<your database url for prisma>
# Ethereum net URL (e.g., https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/PROJECT_ID)
ETH_NET_URL=<your ethereum net URL>
# Google auth
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENT_ID = <your google client id>;
# Google auth
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = <your google client secret>;
# Google auth
Check out consts.ts
- this file exports the env variables for this project and declares other useful constants.
For more info, refer to app/ui/googleLoginComponent.tsx
(client) and app/api/login.ts
To implement Google-based authentication, we use two separate access tokens:
One for Google Drive and one for the Google Login Profile.
The Drive token is used to upload the client share to the user's Google Drive account, while the Profile token is used only to verify the user's identity with the server.
This ensures that the server can verify the user's identity without gaining access to the client share in Google Drive.
Note: The user's email address will be used to identify the user.
Backing up the client share using Google Drive will be explained later.
Client Secret
is used in the client side as it's the only way to ensure authentication against the server and google drive permission in one click.
If you do not want to expose your client secret
or you already authonticated against the server, use this flow instead (Get access token for profile and drive separately).
Google login flow:
participant End_User as End User
participant Client
participant Google
participant Server
End_User->>Client: Clicks on Google login button
Client->>Google: Requests Google login for Drive & Profile
Google->>End_User: Shows login popup
End_User->>Google: Sets permissions
Google->>Client: Sends authorization code
Client->>Google: Requests access and refresh tokens (Drive & Profile)
Google->>Client: Sends access and refresh tokens
Client->>Google: Requests access token (Profile) using refresh token
Google->>Client: Sends profile access token
Client->>Server: Sends profile access token (api/login)
Server->>Google: Validates profile access token
Google->>Server: Confirms validation
Server->>Client: Sends JWT based on user's email for session authentication
For more info, refer to app/passkey/index.ts
(client) and app/api/passkey/registerRequest
, app/api/passkey/registerResponse
, app/api/passkey/signinRequest
, app/api/passkey/signInResponse
Passkeys will be used for user authentication with the server as well as client share backup.
Authentication will be based on the credential ID field.
Backup - the client share will be encrypted using the Passkey and stored encrypted on the server (meaning the server can't access the client share). The Passkey will be used to decrypt the shares in-memory when needed.
Note: The Credential ID field of the Passkey will be used as the identifier for the user.
Backing up the client key share using the Passkey will be explained later.
Create Passkey flow:
participant End_User as End User
participant Client
participant Server
End_User->>Client: Clicks create passkey and enters desired name
Client->>Server: Requests register options (api/passkey/registerRequest)
Server->>Client: Sends register options, saves challenge
Client->>Client: Changes userHandle to an encryption key, name and displayName to the entered name
Client->>End_User: Creates passkey
End_User->>Client: Confirms creation, signs challenge
Client->>Server: Sends signed challenge, passkey credential (api/passkey/registerResponse)
Server->>Client: Validates challenge and creates user using the credential ID
with Passkey flow:
participant End_User as End User
participant Client
participant Server
End_User->>Client: Clicks sign-in button
Client->>Server: Requests sign-in options (api/passkey/signInRequest)
Server->>Client: Sends sign-in options, saves challenge
End_User->>Client: Selects passkey, signs challenge
Client->>Client: Saves userHandle (this is the encryption key) for this session
Client->>Server: Sends signed challenge and passkey credential (api/passkey/signInResponse)
Server->>Client: Validates challenge and returns JWT based on the credential ID
Client->>End_User: Saves JWT, redirects to wallet page
For full details, refer to app/mpc/keygen.ts
(client) and app/api/keyInit
, app/api/keygen
The flow:
participant Client
participant Server
participant Vertex
Client->>Client: Initialize keygen, create room as well
Client->>Server: Request server to initialize keygen (/api/keyInit)
Server->>Vertex: Keyinit request (/ecdsa/create)
Vertex->>Server: Keyinit response, server saves this keyid for future use with this specific user
Client->>Client: Starts an ecdsa.keygen call and retains the promise in a promises array
Client->>Server: Add keygen request (/api/keygen) to promises array
Server->>Vertex: Keygen request (/ecdsa/keygen), passes the corresponding keyid
Client->>Client: Resolve the array using Promise.all, back up the client's share
For full details, refer to app/mpc/signMessage.ts
(client) and app/api/signMessage
Note that we assume the message is already hashed.
The flow:
participant Client
participant Server
participant Vertex
Client->>Client: Create ecdsa object, room, and MessageHash object using the hashed message
Client->>Client: Create promises array with the ecdsa.sign call
Client->>Server: Request server to start signing (/api/sign), add to promises array
Server->>Vertex: Sign request (/ecdsa/sign), passes corresponding keyid
Server->>Client: Send the signature to the client, or not, it doesn't matter
Client->>Client: Use Promise.all to wait for all promises to resolve
Client->>Client: Once the promises array is resolved, return one of the sign results (both are identical)
For more info go to app/keyBackup/keyBackup.ts
Use this function:
async function createFileWithFetch(
accessToken: string,
fileName: string,
jsonData: EcdsaKeygenResult[],
) {
//for full info go to app/keyBackup/keyBackup.ts
The function creates a file in the user's Google Drive account with the specified name and content. The file is stored in the App Data folder to ensure privacy and security.
Use this function:
export async function getBackupFile(
accessToken: string,
name: string,
): Promise<EcdsaKeygenResult[] | null> {
//for full info go to app/keyBackup/keyBackup.ts
This function retrieves the most recent backup file from the user's Google Drive account and parses the JSON data to extract the keygen result.
Use the same file name as the one used in the backup function.
Code found in app/keyBackup/keyBackup.ts
participant Client
participant Server
Client->>Client: Encrypts their share (keygen result) with userHandle (encryption key - retrieved during login)
Client->>Server: Sends encrypted shares to server (api/passkey/encryptedShares POST)
Server->>Server: Stores encrypted shares
participant Client
participant Server
Client->>Server: Requests encrypted shares (api/passkey/encryptedShares GET)
Server->>Client: Sends encrypted shares
Client->>Client: Decrypts shares with userHandle (encryption key - retrieved during login)
For more info, refer to app/ethereum/etherUtils.ts
, app/api/ethereum
Use ethers.js to set up a JsonRpcProvider
object for your desired network.
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
const jsonRpcProvider = new ethers.JsonRpcProvider(testnetUrl);
// Use the URL of the network you want to connect to (instead of testnetUrl)
Best practice: Interact with the provider on the server side so your API key is not exposed to the client.
Server responsibilities:
- Get balance (
) - Get nonce (
) - Broadcast transaction (
Client responsibilities:
- Build and sign transaction (
) - Get address from
object (app/ethereum/etherUtils.ts/addressFromPublicKey
Use this flow (in the server):
export async function getBalance(address: string): Promise<string> {
const balanceWei = await jsonRpcProvider.getBalance(address);
const balanceEther = ethers.formatEther(balanceWei);
return balanceEther;
Use this flow :
const nonce = await clientGetNonce(sendAddress);
const txRequest: ethers.TransactionLike<string> = {
to: receiveAddress,
value: parseEther(amount.toString()),
nonce: nonce,
chainId: getBigInt(11155111),
type: 2,
gasLimit: getBigInt(21000),
maxFeePerGas: getBigInt(34599716012),
maxPriorityFeePerGas: getBigInt(25302576),
//sign the transaction
const txSerialized = Transaction.from(txRequest).unsignedSerialized;
const sig = await signMessage(keccak256(txSerialized));
const signedTx = Transaction.from({
signature: {
r: hexlify(sig.r), // Add r, v, and s from the signature
v: sig.v,
s: hexlify(sig.s),
await clientBroadcastTransaction(signedTx.serialized); //request server to broadcast transaction