Sass Grunt Style Guide is a one stop style guide for application content and development standards built upon the Style Guide Guide boilerplate by Brad Frost.
Sass Grunt Style Guide is built using Jekyll, a static site generator which works quite well for managing the content of a style guide.
The tool can consume and display components from anywhere, but the ideal workflow would be importing patterns from Pattern Lab into Abrigo Patterns for display. For more info, check out this blog post (coming soon for now).
- Ruby - for managing Ruby Gems install for windows. MacOS comes with Ruby but you will need to have X-Code command line developer tools install. For this run a simple command in terminal like 'gcc'.
If you get this popup click the "install" button
NodeJs - download then check to make sure your NodeJs installation was complete by running 'node -v' and for the Node Package Manager 'npm -v'. If you are getting the version number your good.
Jekyll - for static site generation install by running
gem install jekyll
. Note: You may need 'sudo' before that command for super user permissions. -
Jekyll dependencies installation
sudo gem install jekyll-theme-cayman && sudo gem install jekyll-inline-svg
GruntJs Client - for running grunt specific tasks with 'grunt'. For this install with running
npm install -g grunt-cli
. Note: If your only running the 'serve' and 'build' via NPM you will not need this.
- Download your preferred GUI by visiting GUI guide
- Once you've chosen/downloaded/installed your GUI you will clone the repository on Github continue with steps 2 and 3 of 'Getting Started with Command Line'
Download or clone the files from the repository on Github
In the command line, navigate to the root of the project and run the
npm run serve
command. This will build the static site and watch for changes. -
in your browser to see the style guide.
From here, obviously the point is to customize the style guide for your needs and populate it with your content and components.
Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: OS X 64-bit with Node.js 10.x
If you receive this error run 'npm rebuild node-sass'
Coming soon!
If you have questions or issues with Style Guide Guide, please feel free to open an issue. If your organization is creating a design system and style guide and would like some help taking it to the next level, feel free to get in touch!