DeepDesign research agenda at the intersection of complexity science, human-centred design and deep reinforcement learning.
This is a collection of research resources across the fields of agent-based modelling, multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) and value-aligned mechanism design, from which we can advance a new design intelligence.
- AI Economist at Salesforce Research
- Source code
- Covid-19 Simulation
- Boundedly Rational Agents (pending publication)
- Democratic AI at DeepMind
- Eurace@Unibi Model
- CANVAS at Bank of Canada
- UK Housing Market at INET & Bank of England
- Washington D.C. Housing Market Bubble
- ABM for LTV Caps at European Central Bank (based on HFCS)
- INET Economic Simulation Library
- Emergent Bartering Behaviour of Microeconomics at DeepMind (production, consumption & trading behaviours)
- AI for Global Climate Cooperation at Salesforce Research & MILA
- DICE Dynamic Integrated Model of Climate and the Economy
- RICE50+ Multi-Regional Integrated Assessment Model (IAM)
- Modelling the Emission Trading Scheme
-Emergency Evacuation at DeepMind
- Mass Movement Simulation Framework
- Effects of Policy on Migration Systems at UCL
- Urban behaviour dynamics
- Modelling Future Dairy & Plant-based Milk Consumption for UK Climate Targets at Imperial College London
- Product Adoption Intention Modelling
- Modelling technology diffusion e.g. low-carbon tech
- PAIRED: Adversarial Environment Generation at Google Research
- WarpDrive for E2E Paralellerized MARL at Salesforce Research & Nvidia
- Pytorch Lightning Trainer
- MAVA at InstaDeep
- Green Infrastructure Portfolios e.g. TreesAI
- Economic Fitness at World Bank