A CLI tool, to send mails to participants, telling each one who they need to buy a gift for.
- Random and secret generation
- A participant cannot be told they have to buy a gift for themselves
- All participants are in a perfect loop (A -> B -> C -> D -> A)
npm i -g secret-santa-mailer
secret-santa-mailer 'Guybrush<[email protected]>' 'Le Chuck<[email protected]>' 'Elaine<[email protected]>' -d
-d, --dry-run do not send mail and log result
-s, --subject <subject> the mail subject
-H, --host <host> host address for mail configuration
-P, --port <port> port for mail configuration
-u, --auth-user <email> auth user or email for mail configuration
-p, --auth-password <password> auth password for mail configuration
-h, --help output usage information
- Exclude some participants when picking the santa of someone (no gift for a partner...)