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Feature List

Shane Wilkey edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 3 revisions

MVP Features List

1. Users can create a new account, log in, or log in as a demo user

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out
  • Users can use a demo login to peruse the site's features
  • A non-logged-in user can see a feed of the top tracks/songs. They must be logged in to use any of the site's features
  • A non-logged-in user will be directed to a login or signup page when they try to use any of the features
  • Logged in users are directed to their homepage where they can edit their profile and upload tracks/songs
  • Logged out users are directed to the site's front page

2. Users can create a page that will contain a brief bio, genre interests, and tracks or songs they have uploaded.

  • Logged in users can create, update, and delete their bio
  • Logged in users can select from a list of musical genres that interest them
  • Logged in users can upload individual tracks or full songs.
  • A user must be registered and logged in to use these features.

3. Users can comment on other user's tracks/songs

  • Logged in users can scroll a feed of other user's tracks and leave comments
  • Logged in users can reply to other user's comments

4. Users can upload individual tracks or full songs

  • Logged in users have full CRUD functionality to upload individual stem tracks or full songs
  • Each song has a title and body that can be edited
  • A user can delete tracks/songs that belong to them

5. Users have access to a music player that has completed songs

  • Users can share completed works that will be put into a continuous playlist
  • Songs will have a progress bar showing where they are in the song
  • Users can skip, go back, pause, and mute the playlist