This project is intended as an educational tool for all those who want to learn more about blockchain, smart contracts, and development of both! By unboxing this Truffle box you can get started with some simple smart contracts and a web app interface Spartan Blockchain Solutions has created.
to get started you'll need:
We are using Truffle which is a small company that builds Open Source tools for blockchain testing and development.
Get truffle node package:
npm install -g truffle
Unbox this tutorial:
truffle unbox spartanblockchain/spartan-truffle-box
Install Other Dependecies:
npm install i
Compile Smart Contracts:
truffle compile
Migrate Smart Contracts to Ganache:
truffle migrate
Ganache is a blockchain that is run on only your computer to develop and test smart contracts
- Add the truffle-config.js file as a new workspace:
- Change the Port Number in the Server Tab to be 8545
- Save the changes
- Use the
truffle migrate
command to get the contracts on your Ganache