A simple CLI that will bump semantic versions based on git tags and conventional commits.
go install github.com/srbry/git-semver
Note: At present, git-semver
will not actually add the new git tag to
your repository, it will simply output the next version/ rule for you to use
as you wish.
cd <my-git-repo>
cd <my-git-repo>
git-semver --rule
Note: This is particularly powerful when combinded with a tool like poetry which includes its own version bumping tool
cd <my_poetry_repo>
poetry version $(git-semver --rule)
At present, git-semver
is slightly opinionated but aligs with how conventional commits intend to use semver:
The supported types are taken from: https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/tree/master/@commitlint/config-conventional
Any commits that are either not conventional, or do not have an associated rule are not treated as releases.
As well as the rules below. Any type (e.g ci!
) that appends a !
is treated as a breaking change and therefore a MAJOR
release. Additionally any commit that contains the string BREAKING CHANGE
is treated as a breaking change and MAJOR
Commit type | Release |
feat | MINOR |
fix | PATCH |
perf | PATCH |
refactor | PATCH |
build | N/A |
chore | N/A |
ci | N/A |
docs | N/A |
revert | N/A |
style | N/A |
test | N/A |
Please raise an issue if you disagree with any of our release rules, we would like to encourage conversation.
- Contributor Covenant - Used for the Code of Conduct
- Creative Commons - Used to choose the license
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
This project is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal Creative Commons License - see the LICENSE.md file for details